December 26, 2009

Skin cancer

For the case of Melanie Griffith, to demonstrate further the ideas to locate a disease
via Space Energies.

If to base the location for the skin cancer from the image,
according to how it was told by Melanie Griffith for the press, the sequence of energies to target it will be:

Dryness (skin)---> Burn (face)---> Wind (horizontal
mapping)---> Cold (vertical mapping): energies to work 

The energy mapping on the face can be explained with the following diagrams.
--- The energy mapping of face in horizontal segments, going down:

 Burn (hair border)---Heat---Wind---Dampness---Dryness---Cold (chin)

The zone falls into area controlled by
energy of Wind.

Next is energy mapping in vertical segments:

The affected zone corresponds to
Cold energy.

Overall, the use of space energies allows mapping the affected zone in all 3 dimentions.

In case of skin disease the mapping by depth is not needed, but becomes essential
in case of, for example, brain tumours, when the location by depth is known from
MRI scan.

The rest of treatment has been described earlier, i.e. scheme for treating cancer at it's
1.Dryness ---> Burn---> Wind---> Cold: Gomo sedate, Hetero tone up, Neitro, Neito control
and scheme to control proliferation:
2.Dryness ---> Burn---> Wind---> Cold: Hetero sedate, Gomo tone up, Neitro, Neito control
 The scheme in points in Universal Joints System:

On joint 1 there's choice of  2 schemes to
perform: upper is treating cancer at it's roots,
lower is control of proliferation.

Besides, it's possible to apply an anticancer remedy, or even a crystalline chemo drug
onto the corresponding zone on the finger:

For Melanie Griffith an option may be
index finger left hand, together with ring finger
right hand, controlled by Cold, main cancer's energy.

December 25, 2009

Endocrinal glands

Endocrinal system generally belongs to Dampness energy, meridian N3 and each gland is
at sub-level energy as:

--- Cold - testicles/ovarie, 1
--- Dryness - adrenals, 2
--- Dampness - pancreas, 3                          
--- Wind - thymus, 4
--- Heat - thyroid, 5
--- Burn - pituitary gland, 6

--- Light - hypothalamus, 7
--- Darkness - pineal gland, 8

So to treat a particular gland the procedure is:
--- on the Dampness meridian pick up a transition point corresponding to the energy of a gland:

 Dampness meridian, N3

For example, for thyroid - Heat point - light blue.
For all schemes in this post points are on a joint line, view from top
of finger, palm oriented towards body.

So for this point: 
 --- marking this point in green
--- taping green seed/crystal

--- go to the corresponding meridian - for thyroid Heat meridian, light blue, and do the treatment:

For cancer:
---to treat cancer at it's roots, Gomo sedate, Hetero tone up scheme:

--- marking the points in colours shown on the image
--- taping seeds/crystals of the same colours

--- to harness cancer proliferation, Hetero sedate, Gomo tone up scheme:

The last Neito control point, green, will be:
--- Cold - testicles/ovaries                             
--- Dryness - adrenals
--- Dampness - pancreas
will be on Darkness meridian N8

--- Wind - thymus
--- Heat - thyroid
--- Burn - pituitary gland
will be on Light meridian N7

December 20, 2009


This type of cancer differs from many others which originally affect just one
organ/system like lung or colon:
1. Bone marrow (and thymus), which is sub-level energy of Darkness
in main energy of Heat:
2. Spleen as sub-energy of Dampness in main energy of Heat.

So the scheme for bone marrow:
Heat--->Darkness: energies to work on
the scheme for spleen:
Heat---> Dampness: energies to work on.

The schemes in points, the joints are arranged vertically under "bone marrow"
and "spleen" on the image:

The Triorigin scheme to treat cancer at
it's root energy - Cold or Gomo.

There can also be treatment for production and accumulation of pathogenic
blood cells as there exist energy classification for every type of them.
For example, B-lymphocytes:
--- they belong to Heat energy in the blood cells system i.e energy path to
them is

--- to decrease their number, the scheme:
Heat--->Light--->Heat: Hetero sedate, Gomo tone up, Light ctrl
or in 8 Qi:
Heat--->Light--->Heat: Heat sedate, Dryness tone up, Light ctrl

--- on the other hand, one can push them to mature state:
Heat--->Light--->Heat: Gomo sedate, Hetero tone up, Light ctrl
or in 8 Qi:
Heat--->Light--->Heat: Cold sedate, Burn tone up, Light ctrl

Other blood cells energy matching:
--- monocytes -Wind
--- T-lymphocytes - Burn
--- neutrophils - Dampness
--- basophils - Dryness
--- eosinophils - Cold
Erythrocites - Light,  
Megakaryocytes, thrombocytes - Darkness,  which may be useful to generally correct 
the blood cells picture.

December 11, 2009

Prostate and cervical cancer

Reproductive system relates to Darkness energy.
Prostate and cervix are energy sub-levels within the main energy of Darkness,
which gives 1 additional i.e transition point:
Darkness---> Wind: energies to work on
for both prostate and cervix.
The acupuncture scheme in the discussed Universal Joints System:

The transition point 1 is on the Darkness meridian N8, then proceed to Wind meridian N4, where one
can do either Triorigin treatment - points 2,3,4,5
as described earlier, or healing in 8 Chi energies,
second curcle (mapped are general position for all points on joint, not the anticancer scheme).

For womb cancer, located so that it is in area controlled by energy of Wind within the


 The scheme to treat cancer at it's roots will be:
Darkness(reprod. system)--->Dampness(womb)--->Wind(location of tumour in the womb): 
1.Gomo sedate, Hetero tone up, Neitro, Neito control  in Triorigin

2. Cold sedate, Burn tone up, Light, Darkness control in 8 Chi

The scheme is made in Energies of Space, where every body part or organ gets energy characteristics  according to it's location. 

For the 8 Chi system (last row, at right) the points
to treat are shown at outside near the standard points:
3 - sedate Cold, 4 - tone up Burn
5 - Light control
6 - Darkness control

Other parts have their own sub-level energies, in particular:        

Dryness - uterine tube, orange - Dryness transition point on joint 8, then proceed to Dryness meridian
to perform healing:

Darkness--->Dryness: energies to work on

Cold - infundibulum and fimbriae - red - Cold point  
Darkness - ovaries, testicles - black - Darkness point

Joint of Darkness, N8 (cross-section, view from top)

December 9, 2009

Opera Singers 2

Finally, there can be "local system" healing, linear mode:

The meridian crosses the heart at central line (yellow), on the Standard
Correspondence System on palm.
It may be considered as "local" Zheng-Mai or Conception meridian in terms of classic Chinese acu. 
Marked on it are Triorigin points in Creative cycle:
He - red, Ho - blue, Ne, No - green

Arrows determine the direction needles to insert for the discussed scheme i.e. Hetero tone up, Gomo sedate, Neitro, Neito control.
This shows the angle needles form to the skin surface, actually they all are in vertical square crossing heart at the yellow meridian.

 Left hand for acute cases, right - for chronic ones.   

The "round local system" has been described earlier: 

It also may be applied here, i.e. on the coronary region for more precise action if 
Healing in Gomo-mode i.e. simple application of seeds/crystals onto the heart zone has been
described in Su-jok books for beginners, self-treatment.

Some ideas on acu for singers was in: 

December 7, 2009

Joints and cancer treatment 2 , step-by-step

Practical guide to summarise the previous post on cancer treatment on joints.

Suppose, the liver cancer.
Liver meridian on the scheme is N4, green, on right hand:

1. to treat cancer at it's roots which remains constant through
the course, one needs to
--- sedate Gomo (1), tone up Hetero (2) by taping 2 red seeds/stones onto the points 1 and 2.
--- then a green seed/crystal on point 3.

Point 3 - Neitro point, is located on the top of the joint, and on the top
of knuckle for the 1-st joints from the palm, like in case of liver: 

Finally, the 4-th Neito-point will be located on the 2-nd joint (the joint A
on the next pic) of the thumb on the same hand,
(view from top!).
A green seed or crystal to tape onto.

The joints choice for Neito-point is:
--- for Gomo-meridians: Cold, Dryness, Dampness - 1,2,3, - on joint B of a thumb
--- for Hetero-meridians: Wind, Heat, Burn - 4,5,6 - on joint A on a thumb:

Thumbs are chosen on the same hand where the meridian
for the disease is.
So for liver cancer, this will be joint A, right hand



2. to tame cancer proliferation at certain stages and when this is necessary, the healing scheme 
will be sedation of Hetero (2), tone up Gomo (1):

Neitro-point 3 and Neito-point 4 are the same as for treating cancer at it's


 3. Types of cancer not listed on the scheme:

--- For pancreas, one may for this scheme choose the Spleen meridian, on right
hand. It also may be treated on Brain meridian, blue, right hand
--- Duodenum may be treated on Spinal cord meridian of left hand.
--- Skin relates to A-Dryness energy, and can be treated on Colon meridian, left hand.
However this is too generalized and the scheme is to be detailed for the particular
affected area. Unfortunately this is too complex to describe here.
--- Bones relate to Cold, and can be treated on Kidney meridian, however the same for the
disease location.
--- Breast cancer may be treated on Wind meridians, which relate to the location of
breasts on the body. Then, left breast will correspond to Gall Bladder meridian,
and right breast to Liver meridian.

December 6, 2009

Joints and cancer treatment

Organs have their basic energy, according to Su-jok acupuncture as well as
Traditional Chinese acupuncture and energies have their mapping on joints:

Energies on left hand - Yang or Hetero group:

1. Cold: bladder
2. Dryness: colon
3. Dampness: stomach
4. Wind: gall bladder
5. Heat: small intestine
6. Burn: spinal column

7. Light: 
8. Darkness

Energies on right hand - Yin or Gomo group:

1. Cold:  kidneys
2. Dryness: lungs.
3. Dampness: spleen
4. Wind: liver
5. Heat: heart
6. Burn: brain

7. Light: 
8. Darkness

Light and Darkness meridians are used as energy systems of higher level to control the healing on basic meridians:
 Light controls the Hetero-group of energies i.e. Wind, Heat, and Burn
on index finger for both hands
Darkness controls Gomo-group of energies: Cold, Dryness, Dampness

This allows to choose the affected organ, for example, by cancer, on the joint and carry out treatment on the joint line.
For this system, mapping of points in 8 energies on joints: points are at 45* to each other on the skin on the joint line, size about 2-3mm, the cross-section of the joints, view from top:

                                Left hand                          Right hand      

Colours of points indicate the same energies as listed for the joints:
Cold - red
Dryness - orange
Dampness - yellow
Wind - green
Heat - light blue
Burn - blue
Light - violet
Darkness - black

Triorigin points:
                                    Left hand     
Right hand
Red  points - Hetero, blue - Gomo, Neitro (Light) and Neito (Darkness)
The Neitro and Neito points here are marked green as in 95% cases they
are used as control points.                                             

Location at 90* to each other, size the same, 2-3 mm.

Triorigin healing of cancer is the safest, and at the same time one of the simplest because of just 3 or 4 points to use (and special feature of symmetry, below):

Suppose, treats cancer at it's roots:
Cancer is Cold - Gomo disease so the general recipe at all stages is to sedate Gomo, tone up 
Hetero, Neitro control.
Neito point may be used on the same joint but it seems better according to recent recommendations
to use it on controlling meridians i.e. Light and Darkness. control proliferation,  the recipe is reversed i.e. sedate Hetero (proliferation), tone up Gomo (shrinking), also Neitro, Neito control as described above.

Using needles, moxibition, light irradiation, magnets will not be described for cancer, 
as this post is mostly for non-specialists and these are the field for a professional.
However, use of plant seeds and natural stones may be similar effective and much safer/easier 
to use.
For Triorigin points:
---  Hetero is red and seeds/stones of the same colour:
stones: red garnet, ruby
seeds: red pepper, carrot, viburnum or guelder rose
--- Gomo is blue and generally brown/dark seeds and blue stones
seeds: apple, pear
stones: lazurite, sodalite, saphire

What makes Triorigin healing especially simple:
 ---> red tones up Hetero applied on Hetero point, and sedates Gomo applied on Gomo
---> blue tons up Gomo for Gomo, and sedates Hetero.
--- to tone up Hetero, sedate Gomo, one uses a pair of red seeds/stones,
as this tones up Hetero and red item sedates Gomo at the same time.
--- two blue stones which will sedate Hetero and tone up Gomo.

This eliminates the problem of keeping in mind the energy flow direction at the joints
(different to both hands) and different mapping for Hetero and Gomo points on
left and right hand, which is essential for using needles, as wherever one places, suppose,
2 red seeds/stones on pair of Hetero/Gomo points, this will tone up Hetero as 
described above.

Neitro point is always on the top of joint knuckle, and Neito point is on the middle of
"inner" part of joint line.

For control the green seeds/stones are used: 
--- lentils, small asian green pea
--- amazonite, malachite, peridote, green garnets

Stronger action if also massage the points by smth like round tip of pencil, or right by
an item attached onto.

One may try simple version of moxibition by an incense stick:
--- lit and keep at about 1-2 cm from the point perpendicular to all points in a
sequence shown on the image!
for 0.5-1 min for each point or until a pleasant warmth
at each point.

Stones and seeds are taped onto the points, 0.5 to several hours up to 24 hours i.e wearing
Seeds are to be changed for frech ones after 12-24 hours and stones to be kept in salted water
1 teaspoon for a glassfor 24 hours after use, so it's good to have 2 sets of stones for non-stop

Of course one needs to constantly monitor the state of cancer and it's behavour
like, if speedy proliferation at the moment, to choose the right scheme from the above.
In general one needs to alternate schemes for cancer roots and cancer proliferation.