July 13, 2021

Pancreatic cancer case, energy healing and supplements


She's having pains, sometimes not very disturbing, sometimes very strong, making her stay in hospital. 
There are plans to move her to Turkey to have Intravenous Vitamin C, ozone therapy, and off labeled drugs and supplements protocol in real tablets, however the decisions haven't been made so far. 

PNET now GBM brain cancer, off labeled drugs and supplements protocol, update


There's been quite alarming time due to excluding things and stopping her off labeled drugs and supplement protocol for 4 days, a result of
strong to very strong belly pains.

There was an episode of some lethargy, which was caused by pressing energy accumulation at the base of her brain.
It looked as partly an inefficient removal of tumor waste matter, maybe some swelling due to much less Boswellia taken in, and there was a concern tumor may have raised activity at least on energy level. There were luckily no headaches 

Protocol use disruptions were quite often recently, which makes healing clearly less effective. It's very fragile balance, due to other treatments, vaccines first of all, Intravenous vitamin C.

The protocol was a bit modified, and astragalus stopped for 3 days, so far it seemed to be the conflicting with her vaccines treatment in that protocol configuration.
 Next 3 days she was Ok, telling it was right move. 
First photo of her the day after changes were made.
Second is yesterday's photo.


DIPG case 2, energy healing, update


Generally its positive news.
There was one more off labeled drug charged in energy form into his teeth, and this
seems to bring the situation to stalmate.
This sumps up 3 updates July 10-11, the latest video showing him even juggling peaches. 
 Well, it’s been a week since our last Mateo update. Overall Mateo continues to show that he is very strong. This week we spent mainly at home. He has been really getting back into his passion for crafting and art. We just love seeing him more passionate about things again. During the 2 days leading up to 4th of July he did 2-3 American flag inspired crafts each day and was very excited to do so. 
The morning of the 4th we enjoyed a parade but most of the rest of the day he was pretty tired. We have continued to struggle with his dizziness and vomiting in the morning and more recently even before bed. Fortunately we made an educated guess and adjusted his med in the right direction so the last 2 days he has been able to lay nearly flat and hasn’t thrown up at all. His walking the last 2 days has been more off balance so he has needed us to hold his hand more.
He continues to nap at least once a day and doesn’t stay up long after his naps before feeling he needs to go to bed for good each night. A few days ago he napped twice and today he only napped once but got in bed 2 more times because he was very tired though got up to eat when he couldn’t fall asleep. The extra sleepiness has been making us nervous as we have seen many children sleep much more as they near the end. Despite him doing so well overall, we can’t let our guard down.