January 5, 2012

Triorigin schemes, esophagial paralysis

The scheme in previous post:
No-Ho-Ne-He-Ne-He-Ne: No (paresis) sedate, Ho sedate, He (restoration) tone up,
Ne tone up
in strict terms describes esophageal paralysis as sedation of Neito (No) is used in case of total loss 
of function.
On the other hand, serious chronic paresis is expected to end up as paralysis so sedation of No may be seen
as preventive measure: one can alternate having No as control, needle 4 perpendicular, the rest is the same, and the above scheme aimed at possible paralysis in future.

Triorigin schemes, esophagial paresis

Esophagus is part of digestive system:
No-Ho-Ne-He-Ne-He-Ne: No (paresis) sedate, Ho sedate, He (restoration) tone up,
Ne tone up

--- brown points - needles perpendicular
--- lines show needles direction
two needles into point 2,3

right hand, serious chronic case

Self-treatment, taping natural crystals:
--- green - 1,2,3, two smaller crystals onto point 2,3
--- red - 5,6
--- white - 4,7
Also, may be simple moxibustion of taped crystals by 3 incense sticks tied together perpendicular for all points, in a sequence, each for 1 min.
Strictly speaking, the scheme is for esophageal paralysis, more in next post.