July 29, 2020

Melanoma case, 4th stage with metastases in brain and chest, energy healing, update


Situation became serious.

She's having treatment from a holistic doctor, who uses very high doses of hydrogen peroxide.
Previously, after first injection, she lost mobility and partly speech, which restored essentially later. Indicating, she reacts strongly on such treatment.

This is no wonder, because 33-35% hydrogen peroxide is used by this doctor.
Standard and safe hydrogen peroxide is use of 3% solution.
One has 3 drops for a tablespoon to hald a glas of water, 3 times a day, raising dose by 1-2 drops daily, up to 14-16.

Last time she had 9 (!!) drops of 33% hydrogen peroxide at once as first portion = 90+ standard dosing! - at the beginning - she almost went unconscious, for 4 min, then gradually restored. After that she had another 9 drops of 33% hydrogen peroxide.

Totalling 180 drops!, of standard drops without gradual raise of dose.
She has difficulty to swallow yesterday.
Today she doesn't react, pupils wide, and ambulance told, she's having massive brain edema.
Other vitals, as pulse, blood pressure and blood oxygenation level, are within normal.

Doctor motivated his treatment, by, that she has serious sinus infection, and stomach infection, and she can die from this...her brain may shut.
Looks like his treatment made her brain going to shut instead.

This is quite widespread Western viewpoint of seeing cancer as fungi/inflammation/infection and similar, which unfortunately resulted in such practical approach in this case.