December 1, 2012

Cancer treatment: making body acidic or alkaline

There are 2 opposite approaches to either alkalize or acidify body performing various anticancer protocols.
First is a large number of those known in US/Europe to use Baking soda; second is well-developed Bolotov's approach quoted here regarding use of "microbiological" weapons, i.e. a lactobacteria culture grown in highly poisonous environment possibly able to feed on cancer cells:

Cancer is unique in misleading about it's nature:
--- it shows the most scaring features as uncontrollable growing/destroying tissues/metastasising, i.e Yang energy, so practitioners and patients aim at "stopping it".

Chinese medicine and Su-jok, and also Macrobiotic science point however, that main cancer's energy is Yin (Cold), which means that most of cancer's energy is in it's roots, not growing/spreading, and the above threats are based actually on the minor part of it's energy.

Additionally, cancer locks the situation, having main energy of Cold (rooting) and Burn nucleus (growing/spreading) in axis relation (image):
--- methods aiming on cancer's roots can speed up spreading
--- those aiming on cancer's spreading strengthen it's roots.

In Su-jok classification:
--- acid is Gomo or Yin
--- alkali is Hetero or Yang
which points to:
--- acidifying body aims on cancer's spreading: Yin against Yang
--- alkalizing destroys cancer's roots: Yang against Yin
as biggest part of cancer's energy is Yin, alkalizing is more fundamental approach.

On the other hand, Bolotov's approach to acidify body first, has a number of strong treatments after:
--- acidifying body creates environment unfavorable for cancer's spreading 
--- it's then recommended to irradiate tumours locations by red-hot iron plate emiting heat and low-energy beta-rays (not harmful to normal cells): strong Yang action to destroy cancer's roots
--- additionally, uptake of remedies including mentioned bacterial drinks, suppresses cancer's proteolytic activity, cleans body and possibly physically digests cancer's cells. 

Triorigin scheme, optical nerve degeneration

There's been given a scheme for the problem in 8 Qi:

The path to oprical nerve and the scheme:
No-Ho-Ne-Ne-He-He (eyes)-He (left eye) or Ho (right eye)-Ho-No-No: No, Ho sedate, He, Ne tone up

composed for left eye

--- brown points - needles perpendicular
--- brown lines - needles direction 

Self-treatment, taping natural crystals:
--- green - 1,2,3,4,9
--- red - 5,6
--- white - 7,8
Also, may be simple heating of taped crystals by 3 incense sticks tied together perpendicular for all points, in a sequence, each for 1 min.