March 14, 2021

PNET now GBM brain cancer, off labeled drugs and supplements protocol, update

It took about 8-9 days to tame tumor in general.
Now with:
--- full COC protocol
--- other supplements, also from another holistic practitioner
she fully got rid of headaches and other tumor growth symptoms.
Radiation and Intravenuous vitamin C injections work well together in her case.
Reminding, this is just phase 1 and 2 trial in small groups of glioma patients, to combine this and Temozolomide also.
She periodically has certain issues with digestive system, but this is tolerable, and is getting managed.
With gradual ingroduction of COC and several other crucial off labeled drugs, most of unpleasant side-effects are not showing, so far.
After introduction of Niclozamide, next day there appeared that smile, second photo.
First photo is her ready to go to chirch, when tumor got generally tamed, and second is 3 or 4 days after, with full COC and 80% of other supplements also:


She can now have a lot more of energy healing modalities also, it took about 10 days to destroy the obstacles she has had earlier, as able to receive only one type of.