November 28, 2020

ATRT case, energy healing, update

It seems, the boy himself is happiest, and with a lot of
inner confidence...below

"Holidays are hard. Wondering every time if this will be Vincent's last, if next year our family of 4 will be 3 plus an empty chair. By nature I am a pessimist, but over the past 2+ years I have worked to consciously be a optimistic realist because I couldn't get up every morning if I let the pessimist in me run the show...

... Then I stopped. And I realized that reciting all these things I'm thankful for overwhelmed me making me feel quilty for being upset about all of the other things, the stuff that sucks. So I switched my mantra to just one thing I am thankful for."

New DIPG case, ernergy healing, update 

There were important things having happen, since her mother contacted me about a week ago.

She is updating regularly with important details, so I got to know that:

--- girl had already very serious swallowing problems
--- they developed to the point, girl almost stopped drinking and eating, and at the lowest point of this curve, her jaws got so blocked, she almost couldn't open her mouth. Her mother had to administer fluids by syringe, and it was about 1-2 TEASPOONS A DAY.
--- they didn't have and still don't have a feeding tube though, details unknown why
--- due to lack of hydration, girl was deteriorating fast, as her mother told, and there was danger of kidneys malfunction, which would certaintly lead to sad end soon.
With massive targeted energy healing by special channels:
--- girl started to open her mouth, and swallowing problems eased
--- in some while, she was able to consume as much as 100g of food and fluids, and now her situation with kidneys is felt like being out of danger essentially
--- on Thanksgiving, she seemed to eat well, as her mother reported

She is having:
--- all foods and fluids charged by healing energies by photo
--- they will be making an emergency short combination of Panacur = fenbendazole, plus baking soda and flour, because she only has Panacur as liquid

They ordered:
--- Panacur
--- bromelain
--- curcumin
--- Boswellia
which will be used in Su-jok mode as applications in brain zones on fingers, so far swallowing is not good enough to have full off-labeled drugs and supplements protocol.
She is reported to have some neurological deficits a bit worsening, however this may be due to tumor swelling from energy healing, which was remarkably strong for at least one case of brain tumors, described here.

24 November 


There are:
--- full yet short off labeled drugs and supplements protocol
--- healing soundtrack
ready for her.