October 31, 2021

PNET now GBM brain cancer, off labeled drugs and supplements protocol, update


Ups and downs - she with belly issues and some headache, and several hours later. 
With 3 other ailments besides glioblastoma, just one of which = Chron's dosease, can spoil your life immensly - this is not bad overall.



ATRT, energy healing, update


Only positive news: lung nodule was found as collapsed alveoli, CSF again free of
cancer cells.

Glioblastoma case, energy healing, update


Cancer growth has accelerated since 27-th post, and yesterday was felt as true progression already.
Remedies were picked up from what's available and charged.
This is probably 40% of what's needed to starve all cancer feeding pathways, however his GBM was successfully tamed with roughly the same pickup, and this can be enough at least for near future.