often behaves as if sees clearly anything going to undermine it's monopoly on the body.
Su-jok is based on the universal Law of Correspondence where palms represent human's trunk,
fingers are for arms and legs, heck and head i.e kind of remote control devices:
This differs Su-jok from classic acupuncture regarding safety, because operating on organ's "projection" is much safer then on the energy system of the organ itself.
For very serious diseases Spiral systems for abdomen, neck and head may show more prominent action; one may find the resistance from patient's body dropped so that more points react to treatment and new points become active.
The safety concerns are more topical for Diamond Energy System; as
Spiral systems have the most balanced and smooth action in terms of
Spiral systems have the most balanced and smooth action in terms of
safety Spiral schemes on palms and abdomen seem rather close.