Considering the hidden third energy in case of Katrin Zeta-Jones, from her appearance this
is Dampness energy: relatively powerful shape, balanced insightful character, there's impression she may be prone to anxiety.
the energy picture
is lower left,
Heat, Dampness, Dryness
The treatment:
Heat, Dampness, Dryness sedate, Wind, Burn, Cold tone up
Recipe in points:
colour of points is colour of natural crystals
to tape on.
This may be combined with easy moxibustion:
heating points by several incense sticks tied together, perpendicular to all points to have a constant pleasant flow of heat,
in a sequence:
orange--->yellow---> light blue --->
green at right--->blue---> red---> green point on the top of finger.
each point for 30sec to 1 min
For her finger of choice may be little finger right hand, or ring finger right hand.
For her finger of choice may be little finger right hand, or ring finger right hand.