March 28, 2021

Pancreatic cancer case, energy healing and supplements

There's nothing new, lady is feeling well and id having a small number of supplements they coukld obtain - which is hardly 1/4 of what's been suggested for her as full protocol.
She is periodically getting sick at chemo days, and a couple of days after, but overall it's probably best developments of possible overall. 

ATRT, energy healing, update

Only positive news regarding cancer - they don't even mention anything related to it, all info is about speech and motion therapy and similar, 

PNET now GBM brain cancer, off labeled drugs and supplements protocol, update

She has been having:
--- off labeled drugs and supplements protocol
--- energy healing
--- intravenous vitamin C
--- proton radiation

She is feeling good, with occasional episodes of weakness and problems from digestive system, which is probably best possible developments, considering how aggressive GBM relapse was, and the energy the listed treatments take.
The had MRI yesterday and it showed:
--- almost full reduction of tumors 
--- there are however concerns about spots approx 5 mm size, in other hemisphere and in spinal cord
The latter is just a impression from her oncologist from brief examination of MRI scan, and the conclusion after more consultations is yet to come.
This will determine, if they recommend additional proton radiation for other part of brain and spinal cord, which is anyway up to her nother to decide if do or not.
So far off labeled drugs and remedies protocol is usually expected to show significant effect in 1.5 to 3 months, the above developments are very encouraging.
There will be rest days for the protocol, when the girl will be having a supportive dose of Boswellia, bromelain, CBD and THC tonight as usual.

March 14, 2021

PNET now GBM brain cancer, off labeled drugs and supplements protocol, update

It took about 8-9 days to tame tumor in general.
Now with:
--- full COC protocol
--- other supplements, also from another holistic practitioner
she fully got rid of headaches and other tumor growth symptoms.
Radiation and Intravenuous vitamin C injections work well together in her case.
Reminding, this is just phase 1 and 2 trial in small groups of glioma patients, to combine this and Temozolomide also.
She periodically has certain issues with digestive system, but this is tolerable, and is getting managed.
With gradual ingroduction of COC and several other crucial off labeled drugs, most of unpleasant side-effects are not showing, so far.
After introduction of Niclozamide, next day there appeared that smile, second photo.
First photo is her ready to go to chirch, when tumor got generally tamed, and second is 3 or 4 days after, with full COC and 80% of other supplements also:


She can now have a lot more of energy healing modalities also, it took about 10 days to destroy the obstacles she has had earlier, as able to receive only one type of.

March 7, 2021

ATRT end stage, energy healing

Energy healing is now deep in cancer's fundamental structures, but its already a huge structure on energy level, and I'm sure, on physical also, and time is badly scarce.

"Danica had a two steps forward two steps back kind of day. Ate more, drank more, threw up more. She is very weak and light."

PNET now GBM brain cancer, off labeled drugs and supplements protocol, update

They started radiation and Intravenuois vitamin C injections together, first treatments of both were the same day.

She tolerates this amazingly well, though already feeling sick from radiation, which will only increase with raising radiation doses.
But no headaches, nausea, vomiting so far.
They use Boswellia 1200mg in a capsule, put in cereals, or when she rejects food, in yogurt or orange juice.
Nearest target dose for it is 4800mg, which is in the lower range of standard daily dose for brain swelling and hyrdocephalus.  

March 4, 2021

Pancreatic cancer case, energy healing and supplements 

They started chemotherapy several days ago.She was feeling miserable, with a lot of pain and vomiting forst 2 days, unable to eat. 
She's now better, able to eat a bit.

PNET now GBM brain cancer, off labeled drugs and supplements protocol, update 

Her tumor as progression 9 weeks ago, came as IDH-wild type Glioblastoma.
She had an episode of strong headache and vomiting again when woke up, then with THC help she fell alseep and woke up well with energy.
She was given Boswellia, bromelain and massage by Frankinscense oil. By the evening, she was Ok, no headaches, however there was a good deal of pressure felt on energy level.
It has dissolved after 50 min of energy healing, which was way shorter time, than for the moment she first experienced bad headaches and vomiting, since arrival in US. 

March 3, 2021

PNET brain cancer case, off labeled drugs and supplements protocol, update

It turned fast to very tough and challenging situation. 
On arrival to US for proton radiation, she started to experience very strong headaches and vomiting. Partly it was too due to massive energy healing - strong reaction similar to earlier described breast and pancreatic cases.
However MRI found new and fast growing tumor, with tentacles.
Her biopsy for relapse 9 weeks ago, after which she had surgery, came as high grade glioma - now found having relapsed and attacking.
This was also due to, that they used their version of the protocol suggested for her, which left at least 1 pathway not blocked, and cancer used this hole to squeeze through with all force.
By now:
--- she will have proton radiation to try to blast tumor for mow much possible it is
--- she starts Intravenous vitamin C injections 3 times a week - a tough schedule to hit tumor as strong as possible
--- she was given several months by her US oncologist - UK oncologists proved pretty unhelpful in all aspects...
There was:
--- non stop energy healing with one cleansing channel, to hamper tumor - and literally the same day her headaches vanished and not returning for already 6th day
--- she abandoned her old protocol of course
--- now introducing: metformin, niclozamide, and hydroxychoroquine, as mandatory to block the pathway, which allowed such relapse
--- there will other supplements be added, in particular, RSO formula with CBD-THC close to 1:1
--- also pure CBD obtained, and girl has been having THC tonight for already long time.
However, what was blocking energy healing, is removed by now - she can have full cancer fighting modalities.
Intravenous vitamin C injections imply excluding antioxidants from her formula by now, and berberine was also subsided.
Most important thing is to make her gradually accustomed to mentioned off labeled drugs, which are not much welcome due to taste.
The same for Boswellia serrata, which will be used in at least 4800mg daily, and is to be introduced gradually to avoid adverse reaction from digestive system.
Most striking is, that by energy reading, the time she looked perfectly healthy, she had about 40% BIGGER CANCER ENERGY OVERALL - compared to now, with progression - telling that off labeled drugs and supplements protocol did the job, except the unblocked pathways, which allowed this progression to happen.



ATRT end stage, energy healing

Girl is mostly sleeping and comfortable

"Danica has spent most of her time sleeping, and Matt let's me do most of the holding, even though I know he loves her as much as I do. I gather he feels that as her mother, I need this. That is true generosity..." 

ATRT, energy healing, update

Everythng is OK 

Vincent's COVID Swab was negative as expected. He's cleared for his lumbar puncture and intrathecal chemo on Thursday. He also had speech and it was supposed to be his last session but I was very happy that they extend his sessions.
Tomorrow he has an audiogram, physical therapy, & occupational therapy. He has never cooperated for the functional hearing test in the booth, maybe tomorrow will be the first time. His hearing loss has been stable so hopefully it still is.