October 24, 2021

Pancreatic cancer case, energy healing


It's hard to decide, if to give update on this case, because it may look like those miracle stories of recovering from a death bed...and because situation is still very uncertain - mostly due to very unfortunate circumstances shaping this case - 
anyway lady is still alive and fighting, however:
--- she has her intestines blocked, as mentioned before
--- she can't even drink
--- she is receiving intravenous feeding and hydration
---she has lung infection and receives antibiotics intravenously
--- she is having episodes of toxins release, with sort of psychotic state, non communicating and hallucinating - there can of couse be more reasons - but this one is clear from her lungs drainage 
--- her vitals are generally ok, however with episodes of heartbeat reaching 220, but then it's normalising
--- she had sodium elevated levels yesterday, and if there develop serious electrolytes imbalance, her kidneys function may be seruisly impaired up to life threatening state.
In brief - she was expected to pass away, there's been 5 days of non sleep and hallucinations before that.
However next day, after intense energy healing, she suddenly came back, responded to her daughter, smiled and felt very hungry - she demanded for food - which is impossible due to intestines blockage.
Since then her state kind of deteriorated again - with problems listed above.
Main concern is bad dehydration and electrolytes, along with toxins accumulated from chemo, and secondary lung infection.
She had very strong pains before, however now she's not suffering of pain even with regular, not high dose of morphine.

PNET now GBM brain cancer, off labeled drugs and supplements protocol, update


There's been a drastic turn in the situation again about 2 weeks ago.
Girl started vomiting frequently for 2 days and then a strongn headache came.
Her photo revealed, it's active cancer energy developing - and deeper energy scan told, CANCER MUTATED AGAIN, 4-th time already, if count PNET in.
New mutation made the latest off labeled drugs and supplements protocol not working for 40%, which means a disaster considering GBM aggressiveness.
Protocol was modified, and charged in emnergy form into her teeth so far:
--- she goes on taking in nilotinib
--- and has a weekly dose of ONC 201
which however did nothing to prevent the latest cancer outbreak.
Literally next day, she state normalised regarding brain related symptoms - and no headaches anymore since then.
Deeper examination revealed however, that she has:
--- Candida
--- coeliac disease
--- Chron's disease
in addition to GBM - which makes understanding of her sickness problems, like nausea, much more difficult.
She's Ok generally, but to tell how situation changes quickly:

2 days ago her mother sent her photo, where she had face lopsided, as if she has a stroke

This was felt as something bulky in her nrain hemisphere, but not like tumor growing. 

She was feeling absolutely normal, playing crazy golf
She was given a dose of serrapeptase, and literally in 3 hours

her face come back almost symmetrical, and since then nothing of the problem.
Serrapeptase removes dead matter, blood clots and similar - proving this was some waste matter, not new tumor tissue. 

She has been having applications of bromelain+serrapeptase for quite a period, however recently her mother skipped this.