October 24, 2021

PNET now GBM brain cancer, off labeled drugs and supplements protocol, update


There's been a drastic turn in the situation again about 2 weeks ago.
Girl started vomiting frequently for 2 days and then a strongn headache came.
Her photo revealed, it's active cancer energy developing - and deeper energy scan told, CANCER MUTATED AGAIN, 4-th time already, if count PNET in.
New mutation made the latest off labeled drugs and supplements protocol not working for 40%, which means a disaster considering GBM aggressiveness.
Protocol was modified, and charged in emnergy form into her teeth so far:
--- she goes on taking in nilotinib
--- and has a weekly dose of ONC 201
which however did nothing to prevent the latest cancer outbreak.
Literally next day, she state normalised regarding brain related symptoms - and no headaches anymore since then.
Deeper examination revealed however, that she has:
--- Candida
--- coeliac disease
--- Chron's disease
in addition to GBM - which makes understanding of her sickness problems, like nausea, much more difficult.
She's Ok generally, but to tell how situation changes quickly:

2 days ago her mother sent her photo, where she had face lopsided, as if she has a stroke

This was felt as something bulky in her nrain hemisphere, but not like tumor growing. 

She was feeling absolutely normal, playing crazy golf
She was given a dose of serrapeptase, and literally in 3 hours

her face come back almost symmetrical, and since then nothing of the problem.
Serrapeptase removes dead matter, blood clots and similar - proving this was some waste matter, not new tumor tissue. 

She has been having applications of bromelain+serrapeptase for quite a period, however recently her mother skipped this.

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