September 24, 2020

New DIPG case, energy healing, update

We are making it look like fall around here ! 🎃"

Situation seems stable, despite there are no anyb treatments since progression detected, and they decided to have a quality time instead.



DIPG case, energy healing, update

Things seem to start improving:

" Today Ella got off the oxygen mask. She is holding steady in the 90's !!! She had a car seat test to see what can work best for her because getting a car seat for special needs children is ridiculous!!! Her bug bite was drained and packed. She will be on antibiotics for a while til it heals. Levels getting better each day. She may have to get platelets tomorrow but that is normal!!! Prayers are working!!! #EllaStrong"

She is on massive doses of antibiotics though, which can cause other complications in future.