February 6, 2021

Medulloblastoma final progression, hospice, energy healing


With no more treatment options, and gradually developing neurological deficits, this case is given energy healing only, for aleready 2 days.
There are at least 3 centres of growth felt, cerebellum area.
Girl sleeps a lot, however there are periods of staying alert and even playing video games, so tumor growth is not at critical stage for potential healing intervention via off labeled drugs and supplements protocol, though it's unlikely her family is considering or even knows about this.
Speed of growth is already high though.
Nevertheless, yesterday they considered some trial treatment, to be performed in another city, so it seems, her overall state has a bit improved.
Medulloblastoma is noticeably simpler, and less deep rooted, by energy structure, than GBM, ATRT and DIPG, and considering recent success with ATRT, and one terminal DIPG case almost brought to stalmate, there's hope, girl can be helped.
Unfortunally, though overall less vicious, medulloblastoma is the same aggressive and fast growing tumor. 
To mention, boy with ATRT is doing very well, and the longer, the better regarding cancer energy, which is hardly traceable now. The question is, whether all stem cells types can be deactivated on energy level, which means full cure.