January 31, 2019

Bad case of skin cancer, update


The most recent update:
--- there is no more bleeding/ulceration, as was before
--- the affected areas on face look like more of scab appearance
which indicates, cancer seems near to be stopped.
This took about 5 months - for most treatable cancer type - showing, that stage matters more, than cancer type, and with 13+ years of cancer destruction non stop, it makes it very serious.

Very advanced cancer case, update


He is having massive release of wasted cancer matter, resulting in swellings and edemas on legs now accompanied with blisters excreting fluid.

On the other hand, this is only happening on legs, vital areas like throat, - and even face, are quite free of this - some swelling on right eye again.

Considering he has multiple metastatases :
--- on head
--- chest
--- back
 thus decomposed cancer matter release seems inevitable the way it is. 

This brought concerns from a hospice care nurse having visited him, suggesting a possibility of fluid accumulation in lungs. The situation is closely monitored.

There was a blackseed based remedy, mentioned here, introduced to be taped on thumbs nails, to have more of "cancer" burning" effect, and today the fluid excretion seems to be less today.

His general state is very satisfactory, good night sleep and appetite.
He started to uptake Peruvian Maca, as "surviveability-raising" remedy, and he really likes it
( which is totally understandable).