March 27, 2019

DIPG and embryonal brain tumors

DIPG is regarded to be worst pediatric brain cancer, with 9 months average survival time, and considered as very aggressive cancer.

Embryonal tumors however, like ATRT and ETMR, have similar - or even shorter average survival time: medulloepithelioma - 5 months - and are to be considered more aggressive, than DIPG, because:
--- DIPG grows in confined space
--- and pons/medulla contain vital life centres, easily squeezed thus
while ETMR tumors often grow in non-confined brain space, like GBM, and to have even shorter survival time, they need to be way more aggressive.

DIPG case, distant help, update


This is actually 3-rd or 4-th time appearing, since distant help started.
Which may indicate, if DIPG is taken on early enough, there can be healing or at least serious help, for this incurable brain cancer. 

Actually DIPG is nothing worse, than standard glioblastoma, in terms of energy, it's location makes it zero survival:
--- DIPG has fully intrinsic nature, growing 100% within pons structure
--- however, GBM grows in unconfined brain space
--- DIPG can grow just slightly beyond critical zise, to induce pressure, which hits back with nearly full force, so tumor filled pons presses into surrounding bones, and liquids as 85% of brain structure, are incompressible
--- the vital centres in pons and medulla oblongata thus get squeezd by tumor filled structures, and there seems little of this needed, to shut their function.

GBM has to grow really oversized, in non- confined brain space, compared to what DIPG does, to achieve the same.