August 31, 2019

Glioblastoma case 3, distant healing, update

Something interesting, though expected, happened yesterday - patient's cancer roots were felt like cut off.

After I wrote this to his wife-caregiver, she replied:
--- "Are you being serious?? Yesterday was the best day in 11 months. We talked about normal things"

Asking, if he talked normal, I got:

--- "Ok, this is strange. So, yesterday we were talking all day because he was "normal". Half way through the day I said to him, today you are cancer free so it seems.......all feels normal. Obviously not cancer free but I can't explain how lonely it has been for 10 months and now he is back
--- Me - So you confirm this? he was talking normal way?
--- She - Yes, very much so.
(Tumor presense is not cancer presense, because tumor may die, as tree with cut roots, and stay as necrotic tissue = as a log").

Anyway, healing stroke will take more time, which is now the main goal.

August 28, 2019

DIPG case 2, distant healing, update,

Update on the page 12 days ago.

On the photo, it's almost impossible to detect one with brain cancer...which tells a lot. Distant healing going on.

August 26, 2019

Glioblastoma case 3, update

Photos taken 2 days ago:

Last time he was in a bar 14 months ago.


Stroke spoils everything. Otherwise he'd live perfectly mormal life now.

August 17, 2019

Glioblastoma case 3, update

Everything is OK.

Info on the latest scan is still delayed, though it was 
July 30-th.

DIPG case 5, progression without honeymoon, multiple spinal metastases, update

Finally an update, and it seems, he's not going to surrender:

Other 4 DIPG kids:
--- 2 were stable by the moment distant healing started
--- 2 had slow progression
are doing well, 1 update to follow.

But this is first time in my practice, kid with seemingly final progression, is doing good in 15 days.

The fight is not over most probably, but this is encouraging.

August 7, 2019

DIPG case 5, progression without honeymoon, multiple spinal metastases

DIPG case without honeymoon, as recent MRI showed, as giving multiple spine metastases.
Boy was given weeks to live.
Since distant healing started, Aug 2-th, there were no updates:

"We are still here at the hospital, to say it has been a crazy week is an understatement.
Easton’s new diagnosis is an even faster rush for treatment then before. We needed to start emergency radiation to try and get him some pain relief and try to slow the cancer down.
If you’ve been following you know that Easton handled the first round of Radiation like a champ, without anesthesia and never fought once even with a mask over his head.
This time has been much harder for Easton, we tried twice yesterday for him to get his radiation without being sedated but he is in so much pain he just isn’t able to lie down on his back right now especially for the length of time needed to radiate his brain AND spine.
But he showed everyone how he earned his nickname BEASTON yesterday by ripping out his IV and then fighting to let them put a new one in. Fighting is a good sign that he’s still strong and that he isn’t giving up"

DIPG case 3, distant healing

Some time ago, this case was taken on:

Girl has been having her DIPG fluctuating in size, according to treatments, since some moment it was reported as slowly growing, for 10-15%.
This seems still manageable, which distant healing may show.