February 5, 2021

Pancreatic cancer case, energy healing and supplements

The case has been mentioned already in latest Glioblastoma case update, so far it's in the same family.

Female, age 51, has been having nagging pains in the area for already 6 months, not helped by treatment for pancreatitis, which finally revealed as tumor in tail and body of pancreas.

There's still no biopsy done, so far doctors essentially disagree on how to deal with this case. The biggest concern is, tumor is badly placed, wrapped over a major vein and liver artery also involved.
--- first optinion was, operation is deadly risky in that area
--- second one was, operation is possible in Turkey - lady is located in Northen Cyprus - but chemo may kill her
--- the lastest viewpoint on this is - operation is too risky - as both surgical intervention and risk of cancer cells getting into major blood vessels and thus spreading over whole body.
So they decided to do biopsy - which was also considered risky due to cancer cells infecting body via bloodstream - and then 3 months of chemotherapy - if tumor shrinks, they plan surgery.

Meanwhile, she's doing ok, her pains have elevated for 2 days - rather, spread to several areas of her trunk - which shows micro-metastases present in my opinion, so far energy healing reveals tumors presense, where it's not seen due to small size.
(see breast cancer 4-th stage case, where lady has been having unbearable pains in ribs and scapula with energy healing).

She is able to:
--- have 1 TABLESPOON of blackseed oil
--- and so far 1 teaspoon of special spices mixture, created for her 
without adverse effects from digestive system, which is a rule for pancreatic cancer normally.
Most disappinting moment, Northen Cyprus is in lockdown, and she
--- can't be supplied from IHerb or the like from abroad 
--- and local sources are lacking in many important components of off labeled drugs and remedies protocol she was composed for.
It may turn out, energy charged spices, smoothie, food and drings/juices, may be the only option to survive, because neither operations, no chemo, has ever helped a pancreatic cancer.