April 12, 2021

PNET now GBM brain cancer, off labeled drugs and supplements protocol, update


We introduced rest days, which was yesterday, where she doesn't have COC and other stuff, leaving only Boswellia reduced to half dose, bromelain, berberine, curcumin and CBD THC as usual.
Seems it's working.

"I know honesty she was the old freya today, before the relapse, so funny witty, and just like her old self, pray she stays like this πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½"
Her tumors are completely gone by now, and her oncologist said, he never saw anything like this before.
It's now about those suspicios spots of 5 mm size, to find out after additional radiation is complete, in particular, if these are tumors.