October 27, 2021

Glioblastoma case, energy healing, update


The man has been feeling as if his GBM doesn't exist and living normal life, however recently there came feeling of cancer waking up - because his case was abandoned for quite a long time.
He is former spouse of lady with pancreatic cancer, described in this blog, who yesterday passed away.
He goes on feeling absolutely normal, however latest MRI a week ago showed increased perfusion through tumor, 2-2.5 times, though tumor itself hasn't changed in size.
Which means it actively forms new blood vessels, for subsequent growth.

His case will almost certainly be resumed.
Updates to follow.


Pancreatic cancer case, energy healing, update


She passed away yesterday, however her vitals stayed normal till the last moment.
Her body couldn't cope with damage cancer already done, regarding electrolyte imbalance and kidneys function.