August 31, 2019

Glioblastoma case 3, distant healing, update

Something interesting, though expected, happened yesterday - patient's cancer roots were felt like cut off.

After I wrote this to his wife-caregiver, she replied:
--- "Are you being serious?? Yesterday was the best day in 11 months. We talked about normal things"

Asking, if he talked normal, I got:

--- "Ok, this is strange. So, yesterday we were talking all day because he was "normal". Half way through the day I said to him, today you are cancer free so it seems.......all feels normal. Obviously not cancer free but I can't explain how lonely it has been for 10 months and now he is back
--- Me - So you confirm this? he was talking normal way?
--- She - Yes, very much so.
(Tumor presense is not cancer presense, because tumor may die, as tree with cut roots, and stay as necrotic tissue = as a log").

Anyway, healing stroke will take more time, which is now the main goal.