July 31, 2010

How acupuncture acts on cancer

The way acupuncture acts on cancer is rather similar to traditional anticancer tool 
i.e radiation treatment.
In Su-jok therapy, it modifies the initial spectrum of body energies and focuses this on the tumour 
so that the energy beam becomes poisonous to cancer structures.
The difference between this and classic radiation therapy is:
--- the healing energies are generated from body's natural energies and actually don't differ 
from main energy of Burn, if take it, powering nervious system or pancreas digestive function.
--- that's why they can't do harm to normal cells and cause any side-effects known for radiation
--- they can be generated at specific place thus focused on chosen structures not mechanically, but
by the acu recipe which programmes the action
--- there are several ways to do this, by Correspondence systems and via set of points.
--- there may be more "radiation" by adding a high-power light beam or laser beam
to needles treatment, and the action can be easily dosed.

It's quite possible, the classic radiation treatment itself can be performed on palm/fingers using
Correspondence systems.
So there may be certain improvement even in traditional cancer treatment with the aid from
acu knowledge.

Classic and Su-jok acupuncture for cancer

Classic Chinese acupuncture operates mostly by 12 meridians linked to
the corresponding organs and 2 Extraordinary meridians Du-Mai and Zheng-Mai
which control them.
There are another 6 Extraordianry meridians described.

According to Su-jok acupuncture, these 12 represent the Hetero or Yang part of the whole 
body energy system, known as boyl-meridians in Su-jok.
Su-jok uses more energy systems.

Cancer has both Yin and Yang energies:
--- Yin = Cold at it's roots
--- Yang = Burn powers proliferation
Thus classic acupuncture operating meridians of Hetero-type has more Yang action:
--- quick effect
--- at the same time, effects are more temporary and tend to concentrate on "outer" aspects
which can explain:
--- generally quick effect on a patient which however is usually not prolonged and as a rule,
focuces on external issues and less on cancer's roots.
--- and frequently quoted danger of speeding up cancer proliferation as nature of meridians
system matches Yang side of cancer.

Other 3 energy systems offered by Su-jok acu are:
--- Gomo or Yin which are boyl-chakras, horizontal meridians in Spiral energy system,
and the whole large group of Correspondense systems, like the Insect system on finger
frequently used in this blog
the last pic at bottom
--- Neitro - systems presented in this blog by Spiral, Joints and Nails systems, which correspond 
--- The most fundamental, the Diamond Energy System, which allows treatment of very serious, 
deep-rooting and widespread conditions as the 6 Border and 6 Core meridians each cover large
body sections.

Classic acu uses 2 Extraordinary meridians Du-Mai and Zheng-mai, which are in fact the 2 elements 
for the Diamond Energy System.

 So in case of cancer using Su-jok acu:
--- one may choose the energy system for a specific cancer case and work on
cancer roots or proliferation
--- use Neitro Spiral Systems which combines Gomo = Yin and Hetero=Yang features allowing
treatment for both aspects of cancer at the same time, because spiral meridians cross and
connect the vertical = Hetero and horizontal = Gomo meridians
--- treat the whole region striken by tumour and metastases in Diamond Energy system, like colon cancer with MTS in liver and spleen on the Lower Core meridian.

Sample of Diamond Energy System meridians for that (all listed organs are covered by the meridian) and 
also to treat leukemia: 

July 29, 2010

Benign and malignant tumours

They differ in main energy:
--- several types of benign and generally "soft" tumours  belong to main energy of Dampness
(blood clots are also Dampness)
--- all "solid" formations like stones, calcificates, and cancer tumours relate to main energy
of Cold.

General scheme of energies curculation (in 6 Qi):


is behind any process including how the disease is developed in time,
and both energies belong to Yin or Gomo group of energies, just differ in degree
of Yin: Dampness opens the group and Cold is the end point.

This shows the reason and possibility of benign tumour to evolve into malignant:
--- which agrees with the main course of events
--- goes through stage of Dryness

Energy of Dryness:
--- has main feature of shrinking and contraction.
--- Dryness is responsible for defense mechanisms, so it seems logical the evolution 
of benign tumour to malignant may involve serious changes in immune system work.

Dryness also:
--- governs "barrier" and "structuring" structures like cells membranes, epthitelium, 
connective tissue
--- a number of benign tumours forms from epithelium cells 
--- cancer is known to grow from epithelium cells.

It's possible all cancer formation goes through "benign" stage though this not possible to be

July 27, 2010

Similarity of cancer and heart attack

These two are among those having the worst statistics over a humankind.
Su-jok acupuncture gives some clues and show their nature to be much closer 
than one may ever think in Western medicine.

Cancer is Yin=Gomo disease by it's roots but Yang=Hetero in the way it
develops, the uncontrolled spreading.
The main factors causing heart attack are:
--- high blood pressure
--- clogging the arteries by cholesterol
both are caused by the same pathogenic energy of Burn =Yang:
--- high blood pressure is excess of Burn in cardiovascular system
--- the cholesterol and other fats as substances belong to energy of Burn in substances 

The way the process develops if take aterosclerosis, that the similarity between cancer 
and heart attack becomes clear:
--- cholesterol sedimentates from blood on the arteries walls, i.e. energy of Burn = Yang accumulates
on the perifery of the cardiovascular system
--- this leaves the opposite energy of Cold = Yin in the centre of cardiovascular system i.e. in the heart
--- harmful energy of Cold is: stones formation, paresis, and in particular, necrosis i.e the heart attack.

In case of cancer:
--- the cancer roots belong to energy of Cold
--- the metastasising process is powered by energy of Burn
so there's again Cold = Yin in the centre and Yang, mainly Burn, at the perifery.

This demonstrates there's no need for some external harmful factor like virus or bacteria
with their specific energy to make body sick; this can be done simply by polarizing the normal
organ's state to Burn and Cold, as in case of heart attack and cancer.

The killer N1 in developed world, the Ischemic Heart Disease,  responsible for 7,208,000 lives annually according to:
is excess of harmful Dryness energy in the heart i.e. belongs to the same Yin group as
energy of Cold.

July 11, 2010

Time Energies acupuncture for July 13-31

There is universal approach to harmonize one's state regardless of a condition using 
Time Energies points.
Theory is rather complex, in brief, one addreses the general flow of energy; each day, hour etc there is set of points representing the whole spectrum of energies charging the body.

The points are marked for July 13-31:
--- there are3 points used for each day
--- all are on fingers joints
--- points 1 and 2 are fixed
--- point 3 floats from joint to joint for each day marked by corresponding numbers
--- for 13-th and 25-th june point 3 is on the same joint but at right at 90* topoint 2, view on joint's cross-section from top.
--- for 25-31 July the numbers are beside the joints.

The treatment:
--- heating the points in the sequence by an incense stick, holding it perpendicular onto the point at comfortable distance, for 1-1.5-2 min each, start with 1 min,or until a pleasant warm sensation at each
May be done 2 times a day, in the morning and evening.

Optional treatment to make it stronger:
--- taping green natural crystals onto all 3, crystals may be any, like malachite,
peridote, amazonite etc, size 2-5 mm.
--- one may have them for several hours, up to 24 hours. After use to be treated in
salted water 1 teaspoon for a glass, for 24 hours
--- a green plant seeds like lentils, work 24 hours then changed to fresh ones.
The energy in the seed stored for growth comes into one's body.
Good to massage points right by massaging crystals or seeds, any time and as much as one 

Though simple, it helps for any condition though it's efficiency can vary deeply from person to person.

Another problem: you can't treat by this just what you want, i.e. together with main problem one will get
the wrong regime, past alcohol abuse etc back to compensate. 
Healthy ones may found themselves charged with energy and better balanced in all aspects.