December 25, 2020

ATRT case, energy healing, update

 It seems, everything is OK.

"Today was emotional. I cried a lot at the simplest things. We watched Christmas movies and I would tear up and look over at Ramin and see that his eyes were "sweating" too then we would both laugh at ourselves.

It's Christmas Eve. Both of my children are in bed upstairs. I'm watching It's a Wonderful Life with Ramin. We will be together tomorrow. That's what matters.

Thank you so much to everyone who helped us to make sure Mina & Vincent have a great Christmas morning. …"


New Glioblastoma case, update 

Communication has been lost with his wife caregiver, since 6 days ago.
He was previously reported as having seizures 1-2 times a day, and symptoms of brain edema/hydrocephalus, as trouble walking and talking. 

December 16, 2020

New Glioblastoma case, update

Update on Glioblastoma patient.

Since getting home:
--- first 2 days he has had seizuers at 1 to 3 times a day
--- moderate to strong headaches
It was quite a turmoil due to his wife trying to arrange what was planned, and finally:
--- his protocol was upgraded to full COC included
--- the rest was upgraded from what he was having in the hospital, short version of supplements list

There were introduced:
--- fenbendazole as Panacur, starting from 200mg first day, and 500 mg from yesterday - orally
--- he's also having 1 tablet = 500mg in the pocket
--- there were found 2 more synergistic mixes for him ,one including keppra, which he's taking as anti-seizure medication along with Vimpat - he's having 2 synergy picks in his pocket
--- he's now having 2 drops 3 times a day, of Frankincsense oil, mixed with makadamia oil 6 ml, on skin. It provides natural synergictic components, present in Boswellia plant, and raise effect of Boswellia serrata extract, which he takes 6000mg daily.
As a result, seizures were finally not observed yesterday.
All remedies are charged by healing energy, which makes what he's having in pocket, work quite the same as if taken in, however less burden on liver.
He's also having charged water at least 0.5 L a day. 
His GBM as unmethylated wild type, is generally very resistant to anything, and Mebendazole he was taking in before, was not effective.
Panacur alone is not felt much effective by energy scanning.
However the mix of them in optimal doses, show a lot of response from cancer energy structures.
There's also a toxins therapy done for him distantly, so far they won't be able to find such components and there's certain danger of misuse always. These substances can directly poison tumor,

December 12, 2020

New Glioblastoma case, update

 In past several days:
1. He continued to have sudden strong headaches, helped by morphine, however
generally they were not too strong
2. He was getting into more sleepy state, and once had uncontrollable jerking of hands, which was not seen, as seizure though.
There however happened an egregious thing.
His doctors showed either emormous courage, or enormous incompetence...
Weaning off dexamethazone, used to help brain swelling and edema, especially for such advanced case, is normally done by
0.5 MG in 2-3 WEEKS.
His wife caregiver probably saved his life, or him slipping into coma - already 2-nd time! - by giving him less dose, than these doctors prescribed, almost all the time - so
it was not 16 to 8mg, but 12 to 8mg sudden change. 
She was not told aboutn this, and found it later the same day!
She was furious.
"He was diagnosed on march 1st, because headaches.
They found bleeding and tumor. Was put in 4 MG then slowly reduced.
During three weeks no dexa, then he went into coma because of the edema.
They put him on 8 and slowly reducing. He got to 1 MG in August but 15 days
later again bad symptoms and put him back to 4, then 6 then 8...
Then went down again... Until 4 MG, then bleeding and here we are now."
From the history of his dexamethazone use, when one is so much dependent on it, following the doctors "regimen" this time could have had very serious consequences.
She immediately insisted on leavng the hospital, especially considering, doctors told earlier after MRI, they can't do anything more for him.
MRI though DIDN"T show any tumor progression!
--- he resumed CBD/THC 1:1 as he had before taken to the hospital, instead of CBG his wife tried a bit earlier - and the difference is seen on photos, below
--- he's having:
... charged short protocol and synergistic mix with aspirin, taped on nails in Sujok mode
... he's also having additinal set of his former supplements orally
... direct energy healing

Him 2 days ago in the hospital

Him the same day they left, in the evening. 
His MRI a week ago.
Photo by mobile phone, of the MRI photo.
The severity of the situation is seen, hydrocephalus in particular.

December 8, 2020

New Glioblastoma case, update

Its quite a rollercoaster, but generally improvements are seen.
He experienced very strong headaches next day, to be releaved with morphine.
No seizures, though.
GBM energy was felt quite aggressive, with local pressure on thalamic area, making him red skinned at times. overall sluggish and sleepy.
Todays he has a seizure in the morning, but later improved quite fast, with more off labeled drugs developed for him.
It turned out, aspirin and one other painkiller make a synergistic combination for him, starving his GBM by certain pathways, and today it was given first test:
--- a mix of these was applied in Sujok mode onto his nails of both ring fingers.
--- he has been having short off labeled protocol mentioned here, already 2 days as taping on nails. Nails are windows to brain, in Sujok
--- first it was both thumb nails, and big toes nails, but with hin developed strong headaches, these were left only on his big toes nails. Headaches subsided already yesterday
Today he was given taping on:
--- on both thumbs nails, the main energency protocol charged with healing energy
--- on nails of both ring fingers, Cold and Burn energy as main energies of cancer - the new synergistic combination with aspirin
--- he was already smiling a bit and talking, and asking about family matters, which hasn't happen recently at all
--- when he fell asleep, there was daily change of remedy taped on on his big toes nails.
Literally in 10 min, he woke up, and asked to assist to go to shower, which he hasn't have for several days.
Overall, it's still sort of job like energency life saving for a bad brain trauma from a car crash...the difference is, trauma happens once and doesn't develop, other than complications from it, but cancer has almost exponential growth at such progression.

Him 2 days ago.

 Him today.

December 4, 2020

New Glioblastoma case, update

Situation is developing fast.

His wife told a couple of hours ago:
--- he had 2 seizures some time earlier
--- he had profoundly red skin colour, now less intense
--- headaches
--- problems with heart rhythm
A bit later there appeared blood in urine, as latest news.

Blood pressure is normal, which indicates tumor or edema pressure onto hypothalamus area most probably.
This is felt surely as onset of GBM, so far he's already a week without off labeled drugs and supplements protocol, and without starvation of cancer, it broke out, as water through damaged dam.

The CT scan is the same as week ago though, indicating either fine spotted tumor growth, or smth the same fine, not revealled by CT, however on energy level it's clear feeling of cancer energy onset.

He got morphine and now resting.
His wife told, he has a lot of hypothalamic related issues before, as sleep problems, heart rate and others, so the situation is pretty much clear by now.

Energy healing actually hasn't started, so far there was no chance yet to charge remedies or even water, and it was in test and support mode.
Now it is in emergency mode, as if after a car crash, involving brain damage.
If he doesn't start his protocols soon, the only thing between him and full scope GBM will be energy healing only.

Telling also, how effective cancer starving was before he developed brain bleeding, which hold most of the GBM, like a dam.  

Platelets are OK.

ATRT case, energy healing, update

 It seems, everything is OK there.

When I woke up I realized the dream was actually our living nightmare. The murderer in this house of horrors wants my son. We are in our 4th hiding spot, the others discovered with us just barely escaping to a new spot that we hope might conceal us. Armed with a frying pan as a shield and a butter knife for a weapon against a relentless monster who is hunting us with an arsenal of AK47s. We are..."




The boy, however, seems not having these troubles...

Energy healing still hasn't made critical difference, however the dynamics is encouraging.

New Glioblastoma case

 Male, GBM unmethylated , wild type.
They already contacted several months ago, that time they were not sure they need energy healing, off labeled drugs and supplements protocol revision and upgrade,
however after tumor showed bleeding and he got into hospital, they contacted again.

The moment they first contacted.
The protocol was given some advices, however left to their assessment.
He was following a pretty good one, considering severity of the situation, due to lack of vulberable aspects of his GBM, and regarding GBM growth, it was kept pretty well tamed in general. 


However, 4 days in hospital, without protocol, already resulted in GBM activity started again, by energy scan, which was confirmed by him starting having headache.
"He finished radio and chemo last november 13th and he was doing pretty good. He gained mobility and didnt have aphasia... Etc This last monday he started to feel bad (headaches, aphasia, mobility issues) they found the tumor is bleeding. He is in hospital now, trying to control the pain." 
Regarding this case:
--- previously composed protocols were revised and found good
--- they were upgraded using his bloodwork-biochemistry data
--- healing soundtrack was composed using the same, and already showed its work, as GBM felt attacked on energy level, and he and his wife, who's in contact, felt very comfortable and slept quite a lot after first listening. No headache, panic attacks, nightmares or mobility issues after first listening.
Of his current protocol of 18 things, there were useful combinations derived, in particular:
--- Potasio 
--- Alpha lipoeic 
--- probiotic
and the shortest protocol to take in hospital, looks as:
plus above.

It was found, mebendazole in his COC protocol, is to be replaced by fenbendazole,  for 85%-90% or maybe fully. 

Time Energies scheme for this case:

December 3, 2020

New DIPG case, ernergy healing, update 

It's family desicion to not use any healing methods, suggested for them, as I was informed, thus, with no hydration, the outcome is already determined.

Girl again lost ability to swallow as is was written in updates, but no details were given, and in PM also.

On the other hand: 
--- girl has close to normal vitals, and oxygen dropping episodes and air paths blockage, are not repeated since 3 days ago
--- she's not having extensive paralysis, just some numbness in extremities appeared today
--- girl is fully responsive, and looks weirdly normal, without any dizziness. The photo they sent in PM, doesn't appear on their timeline, so its not possible to share it here.
She overall doesn't have almost any symptom of vital brain centres blockage, and DIPG's brutal suppression of these at such stage, is not happening.
Last 4 days energy healing has been being done in DNA activation mode, which can make one immune to one's cancer, so far additional awaken DNA regions, make one imcompatible with it.
Unfortunately, this is happening too late in this case, 

November 28, 2020

ATRT case, energy healing, update

It seems, the boy himself is happiest, and with a lot of
inner confidence...below

"Holidays are hard. Wondering every time if this will be Vincent's last, if next year our family of 4 will be 3 plus an empty chair. By nature I am a pessimist, but over the past 2+ years I have worked to consciously be a optimistic realist because I couldn't get up every morning if I let the pessimist in me run the show...

... Then I stopped. And I realized that reciting all these things I'm thankful for overwhelmed me making me feel quilty for being upset about all of the other things, the stuff that sucks. So I switched my mantra to just one thing I am thankful for."

New DIPG case, ernergy healing, update 

There were important things having happen, since her mother contacted me about a week ago.

She is updating regularly with important details, so I got to know that:

--- girl had already very serious swallowing problems
--- they developed to the point, girl almost stopped drinking and eating, and at the lowest point of this curve, her jaws got so blocked, she almost couldn't open her mouth. Her mother had to administer fluids by syringe, and it was about 1-2 TEASPOONS A DAY.
--- they didn't have and still don't have a feeding tube though, details unknown why
--- due to lack of hydration, girl was deteriorating fast, as her mother told, and there was danger of kidneys malfunction, which would certaintly lead to sad end soon.
With massive targeted energy healing by special channels:
--- girl started to open her mouth, and swallowing problems eased
--- in some while, she was able to consume as much as 100g of food and fluids, and now her situation with kidneys is felt like being out of danger essentially
--- on Thanksgiving, she seemed to eat well, as her mother reported

She is having:
--- all foods and fluids charged by healing energies by photo
--- they will be making an emergency short combination of Panacur = fenbendazole, plus baking soda and flour, because she only has Panacur as liquid

They ordered:
--- Panacur
--- bromelain
--- curcumin
--- Boswellia
which will be used in Su-jok mode as applications in brain zones on fingers, so far swallowing is not good enough to have full off-labeled drugs and supplements protocol.
She is reported to have some neurological deficits a bit worsening, however this may be due to tumor swelling from energy healing, which was remarkably strong for at least one case of brain tumors, described here.

24 November 


There are:
--- full yet short off labeled drugs and supplements protocol
--- healing soundtrack
ready for her.


November 10, 2020

New DIPG case, ernergy healing, update

 Girl has been doing surprisingly well, with some sickness episodes though:


"Her great day is still going strong! God is good and we see his love in our beautiful little girl every single day ! 🙏
A thousand thank you for all the prayers we Feel Them everyday !!!"
A couple of days later: 

"Love Bug had some really good days ! What a blessing they were to hear her laughing and being playful 🙏
Today is a hard day ! She is very sick to her stomach and her headaches are much worse today ! She is tired of taking medication but it has to be taken to control her pain!"
Most recent update: 

"Love Bug needed a hand to hold and so Waylen was so sweet and cute and reached over and got her hand 💙💖"

DIPG energy healing case, update

 Not good news, however at this stage, its to be expected.

"I want to bare my testimony of prayers, blessings, and the power of our Lord and Jesus Christ. The last few days Ella has been declining. Her last MRI showed her tumor has grown and spread at a rate that doctors have not seen before. Ella stopped being able to chew. We have been feeding her liquids through a straw. She was barely moving her head anymore and eye function was not focusing. We had the former Bishob and new Bishob come into our home and administer a healing blessing on Ella last night. This morning at 4 am Ella has been drinking way more, laughing, and better eye contact. The spirit was in our home and God is healing our baby! With all the scans, diagnosis, and predictions of how your child is responding to DIPG, our faith supercedes all of this !! Keep faith in God he is in control."

ATRT case, energy healing, update


"Tomorrow Vincent has speech therapy then oncology clinic for labs.

We are hoping his platelets are stable and we can just keep doing what we are doing for now.

We are trying to take advantage of the great weather we are having and spend time outside. Ramin has started hanging our Christmas lights, he always does a great job. And Vincent jumped in his 1st leaf pile!"

 It seems, everything is Ok regarding cancer state, which is more, than satisfactory, considering ATRT nature. 

October 26, 2020

ATRT case, energy healing, update 

"Platelets were stable yesterday. We are taking that as a win for the day. We may have dose reduced in just enough time to prevent his platelets from really tanking again. We are discussing some things regarding his lumbar puncture next week in case his platelets are still less than 100. We do not want to delay it."  


"Thanks to
Kisses for Kyle Foundation - Benefiting Local Children with Cancer
& Exley's Farm, Vincent visited a farm for the first time in his life yesterday!
Vincent and Mina were able to visit a pumpkin patch, corn maze, and take a hayride in a safe space. Vincent's favorite part was walking through the corn maze, he was laughing so much. We all enjoyed a fun Fall morning and made some great memories."


New DIPG case, ernergy healing, update

DIPG has been attacking on energy level quite seriously, and girl is showing certain progression signs, however not very serious. At this moment, there's little attacking cancer energy,


"Love Bug update!

She is having more trouble holding her head up straight and we are fighting nausea! She was prescribed a patch to help with her nausea and we will be starting that in the morning. Please continue to pray for our precious baby as we walk this ever changing path"
"Chevy got some Kristy time ! Thank you so much for Love Bugs books !"



DIPG energy healing case, update

"Ella recieved her 5th vaccine yesterday along with Pentamadine. Her platelets held at 58,000 from Monday. The Child Care Worker and nurses gave Ella a Monster High doll for her Birthday!! From Ella's last MRI in September, it showed her cancer has spread. The plan is to get another MRI in New Orleans so our doctor in Gainesville can get a good read on how aggressively the cancer is spreading. Slade and I have made the decision that no matter what the scan says we want to proceed with the Bravo Clinical Trial as long as Ella can. We will not give up."


Nevertheless girl is feeling relatively ok, and if visit their page, the MRI shows progression not big, and not in vital area.

Her birthday photo,



October 4, 2020

ATRT case, energy healing, update 


Vincent's CSF is NEGATIVE for cancer cells! 🙌🙌 #PTL
Vincent did great yesterday. He woke up well from anesthesia and we were quickly on our way home.
We will go back to clinic on Monday to check his labs to makes sure his counts are ok, especially his platelets. He also has an ophthalmologist appointment Monday morning and we are hoping to get some advice on what to do about him refusing to wear his glasses. No matter how many times we put them on, he just rips them off. He did so well wearing them for the first 2 months then one day he just decided he hated them."
Energy pressure in head now is quite vanished, so it's quite more optimistic situation overall.