December 16, 2020

New Glioblastoma case, update

Update on Glioblastoma patient.

Since getting home:
--- first 2 days he has had seizuers at 1 to 3 times a day
--- moderate to strong headaches
It was quite a turmoil due to his wife trying to arrange what was planned, and finally:
--- his protocol was upgraded to full COC included
--- the rest was upgraded from what he was having in the hospital, short version of supplements list

There were introduced:
--- fenbendazole as Panacur, starting from 200mg first day, and 500 mg from yesterday - orally
--- he's also having 1 tablet = 500mg in the pocket
--- there were found 2 more synergistic mixes for him ,one including keppra, which he's taking as anti-seizure medication along with Vimpat - he's having 2 synergy picks in his pocket
--- he's now having 2 drops 3 times a day, of Frankincsense oil, mixed with makadamia oil 6 ml, on skin. It provides natural synergictic components, present in Boswellia plant, and raise effect of Boswellia serrata extract, which he takes 6000mg daily.
As a result, seizures were finally not observed yesterday.
All remedies are charged by healing energy, which makes what he's having in pocket, work quite the same as if taken in, however less burden on liver.
He's also having charged water at least 0.5 L a day. 
His GBM as unmethylated wild type, is generally very resistant to anything, and Mebendazole he was taking in before, was not effective.
Panacur alone is not felt much effective by energy scanning.
However the mix of them in optimal doses, show a lot of response from cancer energy structures.
There's also a toxins therapy done for him distantly, so far they won't be able to find such components and there's certain danger of misuse always. These substances can directly poison tumor,

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