December 8, 2020

New Glioblastoma case, update

Its quite a rollercoaster, but generally improvements are seen.
He experienced very strong headaches next day, to be releaved with morphine.
No seizures, though.
GBM energy was felt quite aggressive, with local pressure on thalamic area, making him red skinned at times. overall sluggish and sleepy.
Todays he has a seizure in the morning, but later improved quite fast, with more off labeled drugs developed for him.
It turned out, aspirin and one other painkiller make a synergistic combination for him, starving his GBM by certain pathways, and today it was given first test:
--- a mix of these was applied in Sujok mode onto his nails of both ring fingers.
--- he has been having short off labeled protocol mentioned here, already 2 days as taping on nails. Nails are windows to brain, in Sujok
--- first it was both thumb nails, and big toes nails, but with hin developed strong headaches, these were left only on his big toes nails. Headaches subsided already yesterday
Today he was given taping on:
--- on both thumbs nails, the main energency protocol charged with healing energy
--- on nails of both ring fingers, Cold and Burn energy as main energies of cancer - the new synergistic combination with aspirin
--- he was already smiling a bit and talking, and asking about family matters, which hasn't happen recently at all
--- when he fell asleep, there was daily change of remedy taped on on his big toes nails.
Literally in 10 min, he woke up, and asked to assist to go to shower, which he hasn't have for several days.
Overall, it's still sort of job like energency life saving for a bad brain trauma from a car crash...the difference is, trauma happens once and doesn't develop, other than complications from it, but cancer has almost exponential growth at such progression.

Him 2 days ago.

 Him today.

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