January 29, 2012

Triorigin schemes, muscular dystrophy

General scheme aimed on muscular system:
No-Ho-Ne-Ho-Ne: No (loss of function) sedate, Ho (dystrophy) sedate, He (opposite energy)
tone up, Ne tone up:


--- brown points - needles perpendicular
--- lines show needles direction

right hand, chronic case (lasting more than 1 year).

Self-treatment, taping natural crystals:
--- green - 1,2,7
--- red - 4,5
--- white - 3,6
Also, may be simple moxibustion of taped crystals by 3 incense sticks tied together perpendicular for all points, in a sequence, each for 1 min. 

Splenic rupture, emergency scheme

Proposed scheme based on how it works on traumas:

Border meridians allow very fast and at the same time fundamental action.

The meridian is divided subsequently in halves:
--- brown lines - needles direction
--- last needle 4 is at 30-35* to horizontal at the point.

Scheme on every finger; may be done on 2 fingers:
--- little finger right hand - finger of Dampness, spleen
--- ring finger right hand - finger of Cold, trauma energy
for emergency cases right at the scene of accident one may use ring finger left hand 
as it corresponds to energy of rupture, Burn.
After session with needles one may have longer action with natural crystals of the same colours 
taped on.

Triorigin schemes, splenic rupture

No-Ho-Ne-Ho-No-Ho-Ne-Ne: He (disintegration) sedate, Ho (opposite energy) tone up,
No tone up, Ne tone up 

--- brown points - needles perpendicular
--- lines show needles direction

left hand, acute case.
Point 8 - needle also perpendicular. 

January 26, 2012

Triorigin schemes, full version

For all Triorigin schemes already posted, full version includes one more needle perpendicular
on thumb on the same hand:
--- for all schemes where needles at angle fall on ring and little fingers, the final needle
is on root joint
--- for all schemes where needles at angle fall on midle and index fingers, the final needle
is on 2-nd joint
The position of points is on the crossing of thumb joints with anatomical median line for the inner side 
of a thumb:

 The same is for self-treatment with natural crystals,  
the crystal is always green and heated perpendicular.

January 25, 2012

Triorigin schemes, ALS

More fundamental scheme compared to the previous:

To manage general symptomes:
No-Ho-Ne-He-No-He: No (total loss of function) sedate, Ho (degeneration) sedate, He (opposite energy)
tone up, Ne tone up:

--- brown points - needles perpendicular
--- lines show needles direction

left hand, acute case (lasting within 1 year).

Self-treatment, taping natural crystals:
--- green - 1,2
--- red - 4,5
--- white - 3,6
Also, may be simple moxibustion of taped crystals by 3 incense sticks tied together perpendicular for all points, in a sequence, each for 1 min. 

To protect motor neurones from destruction, the scheme is to be reversed for Ho and He energies:
He (destruction) sedate, Ho (opposite energy) tone up.
This scheme is to be further focused to the part of nervious system where this takes place.

January 23, 2012

Diabetes I type case, in details, update

The patient recently told he has had total 6 (!) brain concussions in the past, one of them 
accompanied by fracture of 6-th cervical vertebra, from active sports.
That this was told 3 months since the beginning of treatment, though being regularly asked about his feelings
and past problems, does show the severity of his case.

6-th cervical vertebra is controlled by energy of Dryness, which is main energy to start diabetes 1-st type, and also controls skin, where he has had the only visible symptome of diabetes, a massive skin rush (now essentially disappeared).

Latest 3 sessions he was experiencing feelings and energy coming only in brain regardless of
whether acupuncture scheme (in Triorigin) was targeting brain, immune system or pancreas.
In fact, the amount of pathogenic energy from these traumas totals to a case of stroke; he insists 
it's this together with psychological pressure in his family in the past, that caused diabetes, which is in total agreement with Su-jok theory.

At the same time he's experiencing hypoglycemic episodes after sessions. 


Triorigin schemes

Triorigin schemes are the most fundamental in Su-jok; schemes in 8 Qi, examples:
are derivatives of them.

The most fundamental of Triorigin schemes are schemes by Time Energies:
and also the simplest for self-treatment even using needles (plant thorns).

Triorigin schemes, atopic dermatitis

For a case with localization on face (head), the same energies as in previous post:
No-Ho-Ne-Ho-He-Ne: Heat (redness), Dampness (itching), Burn (raised bumps) sedate, 
Dryness, Wind and Cold tone up:
--- brown points - needles perpendicular
--- brown lines - needles direction
left hand, acute case (lasting within 1 year).

Self-treatment, taping natural crystals:
--- green - 1,2,
--- other crystals are of the same colours as points
Also, may be simple moxibustion of taped crystals by 3 incense sticks tied together perpendicular for all points, in a sequence, each for 1 min. 

January 21, 2012

Atopic dermatitis

General scheme to reflect most common symptomes:
Dryness (skin): excess of Heat (redness), Dampness (itching)
Third energy to work on by Constitutional energies may be: 


--- raised bumps - Burn
--- crusts - Dryness

Full scheme for the first choice is:
Dryness (skin): Heat (redness), Dampness (itching), Burn (raised bumps) sedate, Dryness, Wind and Cold tone up

brown lines - needles direction,
point on thumb - perpendicular 

--- taping natural crystals size 2-3 mm of the same colour onto points (for green points it's the same colour
for stones) for 0.5 to several hours up to 24 hours a day.
Stones after that are to be put in salted water 1 reaspoon for a glass for 24 hours
--- may also be simple moxibustion: heating taped crystals in a sequence perpendicular to them by 3 incense sticks tied together, each for 0.5-1 min.

If the problem is mostly located, for example, on face, one adds path to the location:
Burn (face)--->Dryness: Heat (redness), Dampness (itching), Burn (raised bumps) sedate, 
Dryness, Wind and Cold tone up:

January 20, 2012

Triorigin schemes, hole in heart

This may be seen seen as "ulcer" and treated with the same approach:
No-Ho-Ne-Ho-Ne-Ho-Ho-He: He (ulceration) sedate, Ho (opposite energy), Ne tone up,
No control:

--- brown points - needles perpendicular
--- lines show needles direction

right hand, chronic case (lasting longer than 1 year).

Self-treatment, taping natural crystals:
--- green - 1,2,3,7
--- blue - 4,5
--- white - 6
Also, may be simple moxibustion of taped crystals by 3 incense sticks tied together perpendicular for all points, in a sequence, each for 1 min.

January 19, 2012

Triorigin schemes, cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Thickened myocardium relates to excess of Ho energy in heart, which is also
weakened function:
No-Ho-Ne-Ho-Ne-Ho-Ho-He: Ho sedate, He ( opposite energy) tone up, Ne tone up,
No control:

--- brown points - needles perpendicular
--- lines show needles direction

right hand, chronic case (lasting longer than 1 year).

Self-treatment, taping natural crystals:
--- green - 1,2,3,7
--- red - 4,5
--- white - 6
Also, may be simple moxibustion of taped crystals by 3 incense sticks tied together perpendicular for all points, in a sequence, each for 1 min.

January 16, 2012

Triorigin schemes, gastroparesis

The same as the scheme for stomach ulcer but sedation of Ho (paresis) and toning up He:

Self-treatment is the same except
2 red stones instead of blue.

Triorigin schemes, stomach ulcer

No-Ho-Ne-Ho-Ne-He-Ne-Ne: He (ulceration) sedate, Ho (opposite energy) tone up, Ne tone up,
No control:

--- brown points - needles perpendicular
--- lines show needles direction

left hand, acute case (lasting up to 1 year).

Self-treatment, taping natural crystals:
--- green - 1,2,3,7
--- blue - 4,5
--- white - 6
Also, may be simple moxibustion of taped crystals by 3 incense sticks tied together perpendicular for all points, in a sequence, each for 1 min. 

January 13, 2012

Lance Armstrong collarbone, acu schemes II

This entry has had many visits; more information on collarbone fracture with more advanced schemes:
1. Fundamental Triorigin scheme:
--- to help bones fragments join, used first 7-8 days since accident:
No-Ho-Ne-Ho-No---Ho-He-He (left collarbone) or Ne (right collarbone): He (disintegration)
sedate, Ho (joining) tone up, Ne tone up, No control

--- brown points - needles perpendicular
--- lines show needles direction
Index finger, points 4-7:
--- upper joint - left collarbone
--- lower joint - right collarbone

left hand, acute case.

--- to promote better circulation in affected area, at later stages of recovery if needed, also in case of poorly healing fractures: 
the same but Ho (weak function) sedate, He tone up.

--- for especially persistent cases of poorly healing fractures one may also sedate Neito (absence of 
No sedate, Ho sedate, He tone up, Ne tone up
2. Scheme by Time Energies: composed by the date the accident happened.
There are already many such schemes in this blog.
Date of accident: 3/23/2009:

--- green points - needles perpendicular
--- brown lines - scheme to join
bones fragments
--- red lines - two needles at different angle for the scheme to promote

Triorigin schemes, urine retention

Scheme and treatment the same as for bladder stones:

Triorigin schemes, overactive bladder

The scheme and treatment the same as for cystitis:

Triorigin schemes, cystitis

No-Ho-Ne-Ho-Ne-He-Ne-Ho: He sedate, Ho (calming) tone up, Ne tone up
No control: 

--- brown points - needles perpendicular
--- lines show needles direction
2 needles in point 2,6
left hand, acute case.

Self-treatment, taping natural crystals:
--- green - 1,2,3,7
--- blue - 4,5
--- white - 6
green and white crystal onto point 2,6.
Also, may be simple moxibustion of taped crystals by 3 incense sticks tied together perpendicular for all points, in a sequence, each for 1 min. 

January 12, 2012

Triorigin schemes, bladder stones

No-Ho-Ne-Ho-Ne-He-Ne-Ho: Ho (stones formation) sedate, He (lysing) tone up, Ne tone up
No control:

--- brown points - needles perpendicular
--- lines show needles direction
2 needles in point 2,6
left hand, acute case.

Self-treatment, taping natural crystals:
--- green - 1,2,3,7
--- red - 4,5
--- white - 6
green and white crystal onto point 2,6.
Also, may be simple moxibustion of taped crystals by 3 incense sticks tied together perpendicular for all points, in a sequence, each for 1 min.

January 11, 2012

Triorigin schemes, mastitis

No-Ho-Ne-He-Ne-No-Ne: He (inflammation) sedate, Ho (opposite energy) tone up, Ne tone up,
No control:

--- brown points - needles perpendicular
--- lines show needles direction

2 needles perpendicular into point 3,7

left hand, acute case; for women may also be used for chronic cases.

Self-treatment, taping natural crystals:
--- green - 1,2,3,7, for point 3,7 two smaller crystals
--- red - 4,5
--- white - 6
Also, may be simple moxibustion of taped crystals by 3 incense sticks tied together perpendicular for all points, in a sequence, each for 1 min.

January 9, 2012

Triorigin schemes, atherosclerosis

No-Ho-He-Ho-He: Ho (sclerosis) sedate, He (opposite energy) tone up, Ne tone up,
No control:

--- brown points - needles perpendicular
--- lines show needles direction

position for needles 1,2 shown
on ellipse, cross-section of joints.

right hand, chronic case.

Self-treatment, taping natural crystals:
--- green - 1,2,6
--- red - 3,4
--- white - 5
Also, may be simple moxibustion of taped crystals by 3 incense sticks tied together perpendicular for all points, in a sequence, each for 1 min.

January 6, 2012

Triorigin schemes, CKD, chronic kidneys disease, self-treatment

taping natural crystals:
--- green - 1,2,3; 2 smaller crystals
onto point 1,3
--- white - 4
--- red - 5,6
--- white - 7
Also, may be simple moxibustion of taped crystals by 3 incense sticks tied together perpendicular for all points, in a sequence, each for 1 min.

Mistake in scheme for kidneys cysts


There's been needle N5 in wrong direction.
The image in the post is corrected, two images posted for comparison:

wrong direction for needle 5

right direction for needle 5

For this type of schemes this is not
a fatal mistake so far there will be 
another type of spiral meridian 

Triorigin schemes, CKD, chronic kidneys disease

Scheme for early stages is the same as in a post for kidneys cysts:

If there is serious loss of kidneys function, one needs to also sedate Neito (No) energy which is behind complete renal failure:
No-Ho-Ne-Ho-No-Ho-Ne-Ho: No (complete failure) sedate, Ho (degeneration) sedate, He (restoration) tone up, Ne tone up:

 --- brown points - needles perpendicular
--- brown lines - needles direction
--- points 1,3 - 2 needles in the same point in sequence of numbers 
--- point 2 - needle perpendicular, point 4 - at angle in the same point.

January 5, 2012

Triorigin schemes, esophagial paralysis

The scheme in previous post:
No-Ho-Ne-He-Ne-He-Ne: No (paresis) sedate, Ho sedate, He (restoration) tone up,
Ne tone up
in strict terms describes esophageal paralysis as sedation of Neito (No) is used in case of total loss 
of function.
On the other hand, serious chronic paresis is expected to end up as paralysis so sedation of No may be seen
as preventive measure: one can alternate having No as control, needle 4 perpendicular, the rest is the same, and the above scheme aimed at possible paralysis in future.

Triorigin schemes, esophagial paresis

Esophagus is part of digestive system:
No-Ho-Ne-He-Ne-He-Ne: No (paresis) sedate, Ho sedate, He (restoration) tone up,
Ne tone up

--- brown points - needles perpendicular
--- lines show needles direction
two needles into point 2,3

right hand, serious chronic case

Self-treatment, taping natural crystals:
--- green - 1,2,3, two smaller crystals onto point 2,3
--- red - 5,6
--- white - 4,7
Also, may be simple moxibustion of taped crystals by 3 incense sticks tied together perpendicular for all points, in a sequence, each for 1 min.
Strictly speaking, the scheme is for esophageal paralysis, more in next post.

January 2, 2012

Triorigin schemes, irritable bowel syndrome

No-Ho-Ne-Ho-Ne-He-Ho-Ho: He sedate, Ho (calming) tone up, Ne tone up,
No control:

Description and treatment the same as:

left hand, acute case.

For Crohn's disease treatment is supposed to involve immune system so far this is autoimmune condition.