July 23, 2021

PNET now GBM brain cancer, off labeled drugs and supplements protocol, update


It has been ups and downs recently, and strong headache appeared once, though quickly reacing on Reiki session, which doesn't happen if it's fast progression.

Most recent MRI revealed:
--- her older tumors and areas of concern remain clear and everything is excellent regarding past tumors overall
--- but there is a new spot of 3cm situated higher, than old tumors.
There was no biopsy, so Dr in San Diego can't say for sure what it is. Dr suggested it's tumor, which has been slowly growing for months.

Energy scan tells, this is likely a new tumor with somewhat different mutations.
Why it wasn't effectively stopped by protocol she uses, which supports the Dr's words. 
So it seems it's 3rd mutation of her brain cancer now.
New tumor seems to have different features like:
--- it doesn't react on LDN almost at all, while older one reacted eargerly
--- it reacts stronger to much stronger, to minerals formulas, and Vitamin C, but obly with several other vitamins and supplements
--- it begins reacting to LDN if take Nano Gold
--- reacts poorer to curcumin 
--- has stronger reaction to Fenbendazole
and certain other features.
The new tumor is much more vulnerable to ketogenic diet.
So the protocol will be modified.
She started Nilotinib treatment, which seems to be able to help for new tumor.
She has her personalised 3 vaccines still used, 4th vaccine to start on Sunday, and there's option of Alimta to use also.

Meanwhile, she's doing ok 

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