July 23, 2021

DIPG case 2, energy healing, update


An overdue update of July 17.
Later updates keep the same positive line in general. 
He starts vomiting, if his intracranial fluid pressure is HIGHER, than normal, and also if it's LOWER, than normal. He has special device to regulate this, so maybe the solution is the proper adgustment.
Hello again to all of Mateo’s followers and supporters. It’s been another week since our last post. That wasn’t my intent but after a few great days without symptoms we hit a rough patch so I kept waiting and hoping to be able to post once things were all more normal again.
Through the 12th of July Mateo had 6 days in a row without throwing up and minimal dizziness in bed. It was great feeling like we finally had achieved some control of the situation but as has been the case so often, we were humbled again with the symptoms returning and being left with few answers as to why. I continue to remain quite certain that it is mainly related to the pressures in his head. That being said, after 1 ER visit last month with pressures that were too low and another where we were told his CT showed no pressure issues but he improved after I followed my gut and treated him for high pressure, it is very difficult knowing whether his symptoms each time are due to high or low pressure.
3 of the last 4 days he has had vomiting in the morning and 2 of those even vomiting during the day time which he has almost never had. It’s really tough to see him feel like this and never knowing what to expect each day. Despite throwing up 3 times today, we are hopeful that the adjustment we made today has helped.
Fortunately, despite feeling this way, we have been able to still enjoy his company for all these days and overall he has been in good spirits. This week has been a bit more calm in terms of activities out of the home but still fun. A few days ago we visited the McNay Art Museum which Mateo really enjoyed. Yesterday we visited the library, enjoyed their courtyard, a cool breeze, and some great books. We checked out 17 books! 😜
Today, despite being a rough one with vomiting, overall was a great day. After vomiting twice, to turn the day around he had a wonderful mommy son date with his mother. Unfortunately at the beginning of their date he threw up with just one bite of cookie and had to change his clothes. Fortunately, he didn’t let it get him down and still was able to enjoy the much needed one on one time with his mom, a tasty strawberries and cream frappe, and fun exploring Barnes and Noble. He came home with an Eric Carle book called Draw Me a Star that he said was to share with his sister Dahlia. He also chose a stuffed animal for each of his sisters and helped his mom chose a planner filled with pictures of cats and books. He is so kind and thoughtful and always thinking of his family.
Again despite the tough start, he continued this great day and built quite a bit of a Lego Mario set. Mateo and I then followed that up by finally beating Luigi’s Mansion 3 on the Nintendo Switch. His hands and mind seemed very sharp today while playing the game. He ate a pretty big plate of spaghetti and meatballs as well which was nice after days of pretty poor appetite. To end the evening we took a nice walk outside and got in bed later than he has all week."

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