February 17, 2021

Pancreatic cancer case, energy healing and supplements


Things develop half egregious half surreal.
They didn't find cancerous material in biopsy taken recently - they missed the tumor, and they plan to do biposy again.
The reason may be well - that she jerked during the process.
So they plan to do it again...without anestesia, like before.
If they again get nothing, they want open biopsy.
The question is:
--- the tumor is wrapped over a major vein - what if she jerks and they hit the vein??
--- they may hit some other blood vessel, to let cancer cells spread easily - this was the reason her oncologist was against even a biopsy!
--- let alone, how such intervention can be performed without any anestesia on such delicate organ, as pancreas??
I don't know, what to think about medicine in Northen Cyprus or at least in this particular clinic.
She will have to INSIST on anestesia next time!

She has had strong to very strong pains all over trunk unfortunately, - due to energy healing - and her pain medication was upgraded to long release fentanyl patches.
She had prominent nausea with it before, so she's now on Zofran also.
Last night was pain free.

Update - tumor is wrapped also over 3 arteries, see the pic.
With this, her oncologist thinks, open biopsy can kill her...maybe he's quite aware of the professional level of his colleagues!...



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