February 12, 2021

Pancreatic cancer case, energy healing and supplements


She is OK overall, but with attempt to speed up healing, her regular pains soared to the level she had to up her painkiller daily dose, and once couldn't sleep at night, so the energy healing modalities were corrected.
She had biopsy yesterday, and it was quite egregious itself:
--- biopsy is done at least with local anestesia - they didn't and she had very bad experience thus
--- patient is observed for 4 hours after, due to possibility of internal bleeding - she was discharged and sent home right after.
It seems, medicine in Northen Cyprus has some features of medieval age medicine. 
Her daughter is thinking of sueing them seriously now, because she had checkup and scan in December 2020, and she was told no tumor present, while her oncologist believes, tumor is 6 to 12 months already present - and scan mentions its presense.

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