August 6, 2020

Melanoma case, 4th stage with metastases in brain and chest, energy healing, update

She is improving daily, her caregiver reports every day.
Photo of August 4th.
Yesterday she was reported as "quite a lot active".

The list of treatments she's having:
--- supplements formula, described earlier
--- baking soda+lemon juice. Her pH of urine is now "perfect" as was reported, which came in just 3 days of use
--- cannabis raw hemp oil
--- Frankinscence oil
--- toxins therapy, described earlier, based on tobacco, not hemlock
--- smoothie as balanced Yang+ alcalizing approach

She has improved, but not yet established fully, her diet, which is now closer to smth able to fight cancer.

She's on dexamethazone 8 mg daily though.
This is not the best way to deal with brain edema, and the dose is planned to be lowered in actually very steep way. Like is was for first Glioblastoma patient, where it was cutting off 2 mg each week - which is almost egregious, considering, how it's strongly recommended to do - as 0.5 mg per 2 weeks.

This worked no problem for that GBM case, because of energy healing, which makes possible things, not possible other way.

She will add:
--- Bolotov drink, described in this blog, fermented celendine
--- there's very promising formula of mushrooms personally for her, and overall strongly working, as energy tells
--- also, they plan to have intravenous injections of a composition, involving lysine, glutargine, and more, which also matches her energy very well.

And, a nice bonus - her sugar level dropped from 6.5 to 5.1 - without any correction. Just due to better diet, supplements pick, which fight cancer actually on DEEP METABOLIC LEVEL - because cancer is the same fundamental metabolic disease, as diabetes! - which is quite a revelation though, for the majority of mainstream medical professionals.
However, success, sometimes phenomenal, like Ben Williams 25 years Glioblastoma survival - tells, that off labeled drugs and supplements protocols are the only valuable solution of what Western medicine has. 

Fighting cancer on metablic level, seems to correct everything related.

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