August 4, 2020

Melanoma case, 4th stage with metastases in brain and chest, energy healing, update

She is improving.
There are virtually no any symptoms, reminding, she was in coma.
There constantly have been coming messages from her caregiver, she's much better:
--- she can talk, walk, and do basic things
--- she has appetite, and shows food preferences
--- she started swallowing supplements, which was serious problem last 2 weeks
--- she likes the baking soda-lemon juice drink
--- she surprisingly remembers well everything, which has happened the last 3 months, though the seqience of events, as she remembers them, is not always correct
--- most important, she's not having seizure-like episodes, she has been having before, when walking - when had help from that holistic doctor.

She has had an "intro" of 4 supplements, to make her enter supplements regimen easier, and will be having a new formula of 6 from today evening:
--- alpha lipoeic acid
--- NAC
--- Curcumin
--- Boswellia
--- Pancreatin
--- PQQ
which were picked, according to her recent energy response.


She's having:
--- raw hemp oil
--- Frankinscence oil
under tongue.

There've been composed at least 3 more basic supplements formulas for her, to swap, to make cancer max hard to adapt.

They will soon introduce keto diet, rather, diet, combining keto and Macrobiotic - which is pretty much weird for keto specialists.
Nevertheless, the efficacy of smoothie, which was composed this way, shows, this is what to look for. 

She will also be having:
--- toxins therapy, from today evening, or tomorrow
--- charged massage oils therapy.


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