January 25, 2021

ATRT case, energy healing, update

Only positive news.
Update 21-th January.
The lady doctor, who was involved in his case 2 years ago, and no since, was shocked in good way to find out, boy is still alive and more, doing so good.
ATRT is considered terminal upon diagnosed.

"...As we were sitting in the day hospital waiting for Vincent's infusion I saw the neurologist who was the one we saw the day we found out Vincent had a brain tumor. She is the head of neurology and she was so kind to us that day, personally walking us to the ER and making sure the attending knew to do a haste MRI stat. She continued to check in on us while we were in-patient for months at a time even though she wasn't really consulting on Vincent's case. It's been a long time since we've seen her, probably at least 2 years. When I called out her name and asked if she remembered Vincent, the look on her face said it all. 
She was shocked to see him, I know she couldn't believe he was alive. I could see the enormous smile on her face even with her mask on. She said we made her day and was so happy to see Vincent and asked if she could review his imaging and progress to see for herself. She knew how big his 1st tumor was. She knew his odds. She knows he's a miracle. We know, of course, but we live it everyday so we have gotten used to it. But to see someone's reaction to how well he is doing who hasn't seen him since the beginning of all this, well it makes the reality of it hit hard.

After that encounter we saw Vincent's neuro oncologist who reiterated how thrilled he is with the latest scans".

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