September 21, 2020

ATRT case, energy healing, update

 "Preliminary Results Are In!
Vincent is still having episodes of sudden lethargy and vomiting but we now know it is not from tumor growth. So we are still concerned but anything is better than tumor.
We will meet with Vincent's oncologist on Monday to review the final report and discuss the issues he's having along with our next steps.
For now we can exhale and celebrate in the grace we've received.
Thank you for your prayers, for loving Vincent, for helping us rise up in hope
Boy has been having episodes of quite violent vomiting, lethargy and his blood counts are still not in normal range.
MRI showed the above, though by energy scan, this is caused by certain pressure in brain thus tumor or associated processes related.
Energy healing for him was resumed almost full force since 2 days ago, and latest update is positive:
Vincent had a good weekend. We decided yesterday to let him sleep as long as he wanted at naptime. We usually wake him from his nap after about 2 hours so he sleeps more at night, but yesterday and today he napped for about 4.5 hours and we still had to wake him up and he didn't want to get up. But once he did, he was energetic and active for the rest of the day and no vomiting, however we are now giving him zofran twice a day. Maybe he had a virus last week or maybe his body just needs extra rest on this treatment.
Tomorrow we meet with his oncologist and go over the final MRI report. We will discuss the symptoms he had this week and how he seems more fatigued. We will discuss treatment going forward, likely schedule a lumbar puncture to check his CSF and inject chemo, and decide when his next MRI will be.
Thank you all so much for the all prayers and positivity."

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