September 15, 2019

Healing a horse

GBM patient 3 has a farm with horses, and one got seriously sick.

"So, when a mare retains placenta and goes toxic then they can get toxic laminitis. Laminitis is associated with overweight ponies but actually horses can get it too. It is often associated with the sugar in grass and it cause inflammation in the sensitive laminae in the feet. These swell and because the hoof is an unyielding structure, then pain occurs."

A gallery demonstrating the process in time.
The last video is today's, she still spends a lot of time laid, due to pain in legs, but also stands up and walks a little from time to time.
Patient's wife, taking care of farm now, told, horse banging the door in anticipation for breakfast.
Her and her foal's meals get charged with healing energy.




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