July 15, 2017

B-cell lymphoma, metastatic, update

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She was examinated recently in June in Israeli clinic, and the blood pic and abdomen scans showed everything OK.
 Latest photo, with her sister, she at left:




Burkitt lymphoma, very serious case, distant healing, update

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The boy is reported having high-dose chemo, with all possible accompanying effects, anyway, he's fighting, and it seems the situation is not getting worse.

Neuroblastoma 4th stage, distant healing, update

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The girl was examinated yesterday and showed excellent results.
In brief: she was born 3.1 kg, with a tumor, weighting 500g. 
She is the youngest patient in the history of the children's oncology in that clinic.

The standard treatment she underwent, hasn't damaged her immune system and body almost at all, 
so she's now developing like a healthy child and started walking.

She was, cancer stricken:


Yesterday's photo: