November 30, 2012

Inner boyl-chakras: breast cancer case

In case of serious chronic diseases serious energy problems up to energy holes are created
on Inner boyl-chakras, widely metastatic breast cancer:

 Insect Correspondence system.

All 4 chakras windows need to be evaluated, as seen on the picture.

It also reflects the cancer having made most damage in direction to body sides, the sides of finger, images 3 and 4 having bigger number of needles.

Treatment in standard chakras layout
on palm which correspond to images 1 and 2, appears not enough to cover all aspects.

The same Insect System standard view, to see the areas covered by a chakra:

for example, Wind chakra 1 covers the whole thoracic region where cancer has originated

Cancer has affected all body energy levels from chakra 6, Cold, 
to chakra 3, Burn, the corresponding zones in body at left.

Triorigin scheme, hearing nerve problems

Triorigin scheme for progressive hearing loss due to hearing nerve problem:
No-Ho-Ne\-Ne-He\-No-He\(left ear), Ho\(right ear)-Ho-No\-No (nerve): No, Ho sedate, He, Ne tone up

composed for left ear

--- brown points - needles perpendicular
--- brown lines - needles direction 

Self-treatment, taping natural crystals:
--- green - 1,2,3,4,9
--- red - 5,6
--- white - 7,8
Also, may be simple heating of taped crystals by 3 incense sticks tied together perpendicular for all points, in a sequence, each for 1 min.

Hearing nerve problems

The path to hearing nerve in 8 Qi:
Burn-Wind-Heat-Light (hearing nerve, functional approach): energies to work on
In case of progressive hearing loss due to hearing nerve being affected:
Darkness sedate, Light tone up

 right palm, functional aspects

In case of hearing nerve destruction by any means, one is to apply:
--- a scheme to prevent this done on for example, palm responsible for structural aspects (below):
 Burn-Wind-Heat-Darkness (hearing nerve): Light sedate, Darkness tone up
--- and a scheme to restore hearing on a palm for functional aspects, the first scheme.

 left palm, structural aspects

The Spirals are actually a templates to resize on palms to get points to their locations.

November 26, 2012

Triorigin scheme, ulcerative colitis

Triorigin scheme to treat ulcerative colitis, the general symptomes summarize as He excess:
No-Ho-Ne-Ho-Ne-He-Ho-Ho: He sedate, Ho tone up, Ne tone up, No control

--- brown points - needles perpendicular
--- brown lines - needles direction 

Self-treatment, taping natural crystals:
--- green - 1,2,3,7,8
--- blue - 4,5
--- white - 6 
Also, may be simple heating of taped crystals by 3 incense sticks tied together perpendicular for all points, in a sequence, each for 1 min.

Triorigin schemes act on more fundamental level compared to schemes in 8 Qi, which are
derivatives of those. 

Ulcerative colitis

Summarising the symptoms of the disease, energies in excess:
--- bleeding, fever in some cases - Heat
--- ulcers formation - Dryness
--- bowel movements - Wind
gives a Crossing Constitution with the above energies in excess and Wind, Dampness and Burn
energies insufficient.

The scheme in 8 Qi:
Heat--->Dryness: Heat, Dryness, Wind sedate, Dampness, Cold, Burn tone up:

right hand, chronic case. 

There may be different order of work with points
(known for Crossing Constitutions and depending on leading symptome) so the numbers are an option.

Ulcerative colitis is believed to be an autoimmune disease, so a special work with immune system
is implied, the simplest is acting on thymus zone:

needles, magnets, plant seeds, crystals, pulsing light
and low-level laser beam etc.

November 23, 2012

Brain traumas, general scheme

A scheme to treat brain traumas of any location:
Burn--->Light--->Light--->Cold (general trauma energy): Ho sedate, He tone up, Ne control

The schemes are only to manage trauma since Cold becomes it's main energy, i.e several hours since accident.
For emergency help at the scene of accident it should be different (generally sedating He toning up Ho,
and possibly also No)

left hand, acute case: several hours 
to several monthes.

right hand, chronic case.